Harnessing the Power of the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, Sept. 2024


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse over Ocean

Are you ready for the Full Moon coming up this week?

This isn’t just any ordinary Full Moon. It’s a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. And it’s conjunct Neptune in its home sign. In other words, a time of deep intuitive potential. Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 8:34pm Mountain Time.

Neptune, also now in retrograde, heightens the energy of this eclipse, creating an ideal atmosphere for tuning into our visionary selves. When Neptune is retrograde, its subtle, dreamlike influence becomes more palpable, pushing us to connect with what’s hidden beneath the surface. Encouraging us to embrace a more profound spiritual awareness.

The alignment with Neptune in Pisces opens the door to extraordinary sensitivity, spiritual insights, and deep compassion. If there was ever a time to tap into your intuition, this is it. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or just beginning your journey into self-awareness, the energies of this eclipse can guide you toward higher clarity.

The Power of a Fertile Time

And for those of us who are astrology nerds, when we look deeper into the other planetary aspects occurring at this time, we see that the Moon-Neptune conjunction is forming harmonious sextiles with both Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. 

What does that mean? An incredibly fertile period for transformation and innovation. Uranus, the planet of sudden insights and breakthroughs, brings the energy of radical change. Pluto, associated with deep, transformative power, supports the release of old patterns and invites renewal.

These energies bring radical insights and the potential for profound transformation—like a gardener planting seeds in rich soil. Whatever you choose to focus on now can grow into something powerful in the months to come.

An Opportunity

One beautiful way to do this is through sound healing, which allows us to align body, mind, and spirit. Sound has the ability to clear energetic blockages and open up pathways for intention setting, making it a perfect complement to the visionary and intuitive nature of this Lunar Eclipse.

In honor of this powerful moment, my colleague Adrienne and I will be offering an Astrological Sound Bath during the Lunar Eclipse. This event is designed to help you embrace the healing potential of this time, using sound to enhance your connection to the Moon, Neptune, and the transformative energies they bring.

Whether you’re new to sound healing or astrology, a regular attendee of our events, and/or simply seeking a space to reflect and recharge, this could be a meaningful opportunity to dive deep into your inner world and set clear intentions for your journey ahead.

Please consider joining us! CLICK HERE for details.

A Moment for Reflection

As you prepare for this Lunar Eclipse, you may find yourself asking:

  • What inner vision is ready to come into focus during this potent time?

  • How will I embrace my intuition and allow it to guide me toward what feels most aligned?

  • What old patterns or beliefs am I ready to release in order to invite growth and transformation?

  • How can I show more compassion to myself and others as I step into this new chapter?

This eclipse is not just about external events—it’s an opportunity to pause, reflect, and consciously align with your inner world. Feel free to use the above questions as journaling prompts or meditative contemplations. I’ve been doing that these past few days, and—wow—am already feeling myself empowered in certain ways!

Final Thoughts

The upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is a moment of potential, not just for setting intentions but for tuning into the deeper, spiritual currents that run through your life. Whether you're gathering with others or reflecting in your own space, remember that the universe is listening—ready to support your highest visions and deepest insights.

Take a deep breath, set your intention, and step into the unknown with trust. This is your time.

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