In Divine Service: New Moon In Virgo, Aug 2022

The New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle – a time for planting new seeds. Wherever this is occurring for you, according to your unique Soul’s Map (i.e., your Birth Chart), the Lunar energies are encouraging you to proactively birth a new inspiration / idea in this area of your life.

Virgo energy often gets a bad rap. Stereotypically known as the Sign of the detail-oriented perfectionist who can never see the forest for the trees, strong Virgo energy absolutely can drive us to a state of “analysis paralysis,” incessantly striving to tweak, edit, “improve” to no end. (I speak from direct experience, with my own heavy Virgo energy!) 

But as with every zodiac Sign, there is always a set of positive potentials that simultaneously exist – and from the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology, growth potentials that we can choose to set our intention to strive towards. Let us remember that one of the single most important identifying factors of Virgo energy is being of service; Virgo energy at its best is conscientious and ultimately, always striving to help.

Less well known is the mythology associated with the Virgo archetype – that of the Vestal Virgins. Considered the “purest humans” in ancient times, they were the “gatekeepers” of divine energy in the temples where they kept the flames continually burning. They were the ones who helped bring order to the chaotic world by teaching others the rules for doing things the Divine way. They taught the rituals for connecting with the Divine Order, and it was only through them that one could purify themself enough “to be able to glimpse into the orderly perfection of the Divine.”

Since we all have Virgo energy somewhere in our Birth Chart (i.e., in our human psyche), a key question to reflect on is:

How can I use the notion of a Divine Ideal 

as a bright and inspiring guiding light 

(rather than an impossibly unattainable perfectionistic goal) 

to refine my life, 

and in so doing, help others grow in similar ways?

If you know where (which House) Virgo shows up in your birth chart, you can appropriately refine your question even further, to particularly consider that area of your life. Because it is in that arena that the New Moon is having you focus your intentions right now. If Virgo is in your [see below] House…

1st HOUSE: In what ways might I refine how I show up in the world, to be even more aligned with my true essence and thus in best service to others?

2nd HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my values so that I can be in best service to others?

3rd HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my thoughts and ideas in order to communicate with others in a way that’s most helpful?

4th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine aspects of my private life, such that when my core emotional needs are met, I can be of best service to both myself and to others?

5th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my self-expression so it is aligned with my passions, allowing me to joyfully serve the world through birthing unique creations that are helpful to others?

6th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine the practical details of my daily life so I feel organized and thus able to best serve others?

7th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my view of others – especially in-depth, one-to-one relationships – so that I can best serve both them and myself?

8th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my response to being triggered and tested so that I can, instead, be transformed, and thus able to serve others from a place of depth?

9th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my beliefs and philosophies in order to share my wisdom that is helpful to others?

10th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my career and public reputation so that I’m being of best service to others?

11th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my Big Picture Ideals so that I can best serve my social group (in particular) in a coherent expression of those shared ideals?

12th HOUSE: In what ways might I refine my notions of a Divine Ideal such that I understand it’s not me/my 3D ego's decision as to how I'm supposed to be of service, but instead humble myself to the Divine and ask “show me where am I most needed”?

After brainstorming ideas most relevant to your Virgo placement, see what feels reasonable to turn into a New Moon Intention.

→ Therefore, my intention(s) for this New Moon in Virgo…

Here's to the "perfect" intention for you at this time! Happy New Moon!

And BTW: if you don’t know where your Sign and House placements fall in your Soul’s Map, sign up for a Reading with me! (And if you’ve had a Reading but forgot, feel free to reach out and I’ll remind you!)

(Image: detail from A Vestal Virgin Tending Fire, c. 1726–27,
François Lemoyne, Minneapolis Institute of Art.)
