Indiana Jones is Not the Only Illustration of the Sagittarius Archetype


The other day, someone who’s starting to learn more about their Birth Chart, asked for some clarification.

“I’m not sure I understand Sagittarius energy,” they said. “Because the descriptions I’ve been reading make it sound so outwardly focused – adventurous – like Indiana Jones. But I’m Sagittarius Rising, and I feel like my sense of “adventure” is more internal or… intellectual.”

Well, definitely, Indiana Jones is a great example of the Sagittarius archetype! He illustrates a wide array of this Sign’s qualities: he’s a professor, a seeker of wisdom, and adventurous. But not everybody with strong Sagittarius energy may have all that rolled into one.

One could be an outward-facing seeker, or one could be an inwardly-focused seeker. Someone with strong Sag energy could express themselves by flying off to Portugal for the summer with the goal of tasting all the different varieties of green wine, or just as equally, by burying themselves in piles of philosophy books in their own library at home.

We might say the common denominator is that strong pull to experience the fullness of life in some form… whether that be in the form of surface-level pleasures enjoyed to their absolute fullest, or perpetually following the “grass is greener on the other side” pull for new experiences “out there,” or embarking on a lifelong quest to understand the “true” meaning of existence through some form of deeply internal spiritual practice. Ultimately, in the area of your Chart where Sagittarius shows up, there’s a strong desire for freedom – so that you can act on each new inspiration to the fullest extent possible.
