The Heart Knows: Leo Season Musings on Chant and a New Film

Woman walking with vibrations emanating from heart

This morning, at the end of Vedic Chant class, my teacher posed a thought-provoking question to the group: “Why do you sometimes close your eyes when chanting?” It wasn’t meant to be answered immediately but rather to reflect upon as we practice in the coming week. 

After logging off Zoom, I took a short walk—a ritual I cherish to let the vibratory energies of chanting integrate more fully into my being. As I walked, the answer to the question seemed obvious, at least for today: in class, we were asked to chant a particular set of sounds from memory. When I’m accessing my memory, I find it easier to do so with my eyes closed. Why? To close off distractions and maintain focus.

This simple realization sparked an aha moment connected to a film I watched just last night. When practicing anything to the point of memorization, we often say we know it “by heart.” Why do we use this expression? It signifies that something has been deeply integrated within us, lodged or infused in our heart. We no longer need external prompts; it’s within. We know it “by heart.”

The film, The Heart Revolution, explores the heart not just as a physical organ but as a powerful energetic center. Featuring the latest cutting-edge research and technology, the film documents the heart’s toroidal field and energetics, coherence with the Earth itself, and much more… moving beyond what materialists might dismiss as "woo-woo." The opening quote from the Upanishads (ancient Indian texts) sets the tone: “As vast as the universe ‘outside’ is the universe within the tiny shimmering spot inside your heart.”

This synchronicity between my Chant class and the film literally stopped me in my tracks during my walk. Both highlight the heart's central role in accessing deeper knowledge and wisdom. And… to top it off, I realized that astrologically, we’re in Leo Season right now—the sign most directly correlated with the heart!

As I’ve written before Leo Season invites us to passionately express our heart’s desires. It’s not just about dramatic performances; it’s about cultivating the courage to express our true self. Vulnerably. And through that vulnerable self-expression, being able to connect deeply with others.

A secure and healthy expression of Leo energy manifests as a lust for life and enthusiastic self-expression, characterized by vulnerability and generosity. On the other hand, an insecure expression might manifest as superficial drama and self-centered showmanship. But with conscious self-awareness, during this time, we can mindfully harness Leo's powerful energies to cultivate the courage to be open-hearted and authentic.

In alignment with the filmmakers’ mission “to inspire global enheartenment,” I am telling everyone I know to watch The Heart Revolution. It’s available for free for the next three days. Click HERE to access! It’s truly a transformative experience that resonates deeply with the themes of Leo Season and the wisdom of the heart.

The current astrological energies are inviting us to reflect on how we can develop the courage to express our full, vulnerable hearts and connect deeply with others. As we navigate this Leo Season, may we embrace the gifts of authentic self-expression and soul satisfaction, and inspire those around us to do the same.

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