Full Moon in Leo, February 2023


It’s that time of the month again – that time to pause and reflect back to what was going on for you six months ago, and what may have come to fruition since then. With this month’s Full Moon in Leo, what are you able to celebrate with a resounding roar of the lion?

What were you doing around the end of July last year? Where were you? Who were you with? How were things feeling for you at that time? Did you set any intentions with the Leo New Moon on July 28, 2022?

As for me, when I go back and re-read my journal writings, look at my calendar, photos, etc. from late July 2022—when I let myself drop into the memories of the precious moments of the time, one thing jumps out among all the details: coming out of the closet. The astrologer’s closet, that is.

For years, I’ve been paying attention to the astrological energies and their effects on me. But it wasn’t until a few years ago that I made the commitment to officially take the plunge—to dive deep into learning the intricacies of the craft, and enrolled in Astrology School. After two intense years of what felt like grad school all over again, with the blessings (and strong encouragement) of my teacher, I started offering Readings to local friends who were interested in learning about their Birth Charts. But all of this was somewhat clandestine—or at least not something I was sharing amongst my friends and family back East, who have limited views / interest / understanding of this ancient science.

That said, by the end of July last year, with the start of Opera Season, friends and family from across the country started coming to Santa Fe. And we were reconnecting—in some cases, for the first time in years.

I realized it was time. Time to harness the Leo lion’s courage (as well as the energies of my Aries North Node, which was also in the process of activation by transits way slower and much stronger than the passing Moon). I took a deeeeep breath, said goodbye to the fear of judgment, adios to the fear of being laughed at, sayonara to the fear of being misunderstood and written off as having “gone totally woo-woo since moving to Santa Fe.” I opted for transparency, as vulnerable as that felt. After all, heart-wrenchingly vulnerable self-expression is quintessentially Leo! I openly talked about my life-changing experiences and insights that the practice of evolutionary astrology had given me over the years, which ultimately ignited my desire to share it with others who are interested.

I am grateful that those friends and family members visiting last summer took the information with, at least, polite smiles—even if they had no idea how to respond, the concept being so utterly foreign to them. I was only gently grilled with a barrage of questions by my mother and her friends—that being their genuinely earnest attempt at trying to wrap their heads around what it was I actually “do” as a professional astrologer. I was not laughed at. I was not judged (at least openly to my face). If I have been deemed having “gone cuckoo” then so be it. My Aries North Node compels me to say, “Who cares? To each their own!”

And NOW? These six months later, on the occasion of this Full Moon in Leo? My counseling astrology business is openly up and running, building momentum, clientele, and collaborations! All of my previous professional experiences / areas of expertise in the arts and mindfulness are being seamlessly woven into my practice. I’ve developed a unique approach to the Evolutionary Astrology Readings and Workshops I offer, and am receiving resoundingly positive feedback. I am deeply grateful to be working with people in such meaningful ways.

THIS, I am thrilled to share with a reverberating roar! Can you hear me, as I dance under the bright light of this mid-winter Moon?

Happy Full Moon in Leo!

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