Sweet Worlds


So this poem came out of me the other day… 

Sweet Sweet World, by Willamarie Moore

In the midst of this sweet, sweet world

how quickly, how easily we forget!

Oh, the excuses — She said this, and Can you believe he did that? and Just look at the state of this kitchen!

Anything — almost everything — in this 3D world

the small ego clings to, smirking, See, I told you so. It hurts.

And we retreat back into the familiar — comfortable — 

darkness of discontent. 

Until — we hear the whistling song of the summer tanager

    confirming that flash of flaming red the corner of the eye just caught.

Until — we notice, at dusk, the bee asleep inside the sunflower

    as if drunk, passed out from too much nectar.

Until — the impossibly sweet, sweet juice of the most perfectly ripe peach

    causes an explosion inside of the mouth

    like the shooting waters of Buckingham Fountain

    we used to rejoice at in Chicago childhood

instantly turning the lips' corners upwards

    as if reaching for the sky

that has been there all along, patiently   

beckoning, Come home!

And now says, 

Welcome home.

[Listen to the poem HERE.]

It was inspired by a poem called “Contentment” by the Turkish poet, Rustu Onur (transl. H. Alhas and U. Ozgun, as heard on The Slow Down podcast). The first line of my poem is a variant of the last line of his.

Foundational to my ability “to write” this poem (or I prefer, my ability “to receive” this poem) is my belief that I – Willamarie Moore in this 54-year old female body, sitting in Northern NM, on this late summer day in 2022 – am the 3D human embodiment of a much older, wiser, non-dualistic Soul… just as all of us humans on this planet are.

The Light Beings that we are decided to “come down to Earth to play” for this lifetime, exploring certain themes that are mapped on our Birth Charts. Coming from that place of eternal blissed-out oneness, here on Earth, the game is to figure out how to navigate the sense of separateness that defines us in human form, and to work our way back towards unity.

The Yogis knew this and practiced. The Buddhists knew this and practiced. Artists, athletes, anyone with a regular deep practice has tasted what it’s like to “fall into the flow” and lose all sense of time and place – in other words, to lose that sense of separateness. It is possible to taste oneness as a 3D human being, even if only fleetingly. I have definitely gotten brief tastes, myself – in my yoga practice and in a handful of exceptional meditation sessions over the years.

In addition, ever since taking the plunge into Evolutionary Astrology, I have come to understand that all the challenges I have faced in my life thus far (and there have been many and some have been life-threatening), and those I am sure to face in the future, are choices my Soul actually decided to make. When I remind this small 3D suffering self of mine that my non-dual Higher Self wants me to grow and evolve, I free myself from the shackles of victimhood – that “woe is me” attitude. I find myself shifted into the reality that life happens not to me, but because of me. And this has been incredibly empowering. 

So yes – despite occasionally feeling hurt by things like “she said this” or “he did that,” despite the state of the kitchen (yikes!!), I am able to remember, at least every once in a while, that Higher Self state. To catch myself falling into the familiar darkness of discontent… and to pause. To return to this exact present moment. To lift myself back into the enjoyable game that this life is meant to be. 

And sometimes I have only to thank the most concrete 3D things of this world: the birds and bees in my garden, and the perfectly ripe peaches that are still around for a couple more weeks.
