New Moon in Libra, Sept 2022

The New Moon is in Libra this month – that Sign representing an “Ideal balance.” As the Autumn Equinox just a few days ago marked the perfect balance between day and night, Libran energies at their highest expression gracefully and with utmost charm and diplomacy, bring a beautiful harmony to the world. Picture the goddess Venus holding perfectly balanced scales.

Wherever Libra shows up in your Birth Chart, that’s the area of your life where you have the gifts for “keeping the peace” and “righting all wrongs” with diplomatic skills, tolerance, and patience.

AND… everything in astrology is a potential. Shadow sides are also possible. So it’s always valuable to take a moment to ask ourselves…

  • Do I have the tendency to keep things at a shallow, superficial level in social interactions especially when there’s inherent conflict, in order to “keep the peace”? Or maybe even in that interaction between the right and left sides of my own brain, avoiding “getting messy” or diving deep into the hard stuff – ultimately stymieing growth?

  • Do I find myself tending towards a sacrificial “selflessness” in letting others always make the decisions, or “letting them win” because I “don’t want to rock the boat”?... but that ultimately leads to resentment and/or passive aggressive behavior later?

  • Do I tend to go overboard with obsessive black-and-white thinking, “this is right / that is wrong” in a one-dimensional pursuit of “fairness”?

Even if a little unpleasant to the beauty-loving Libra essence, we can pause and honestly reflect, knowing that ultimately the evolutionary goal is to bring the baser parts of ourselves up to a higher shine. And why not use this time of the New Moon, when we can powerfully set intentions for doing better, wherever in our lives it may be necessary?

To get even more specific, you can look at where the Sign of Libra falls in your Birth Chart, and reflect on the question most appropriate for you. If Libra falls in your…

  • 1st HOUSE: In what ways might I find more balance in how I show up in the world?

  • 2nd HOUSE: In what ways might I create more balance between my values and those of other people?

  • 3rd HOUSE: How might I find balance in my communication – both what I take in and how I share information?

  • 4th HOUSE: In my private life, where might I benefit from more balance, harmony, refinement?

  • 5th HOUSE: In what ways might I authentically express myself with more patience, tolerance, and refinement?

  • 6th HOUSE: In my daily routines, where might I benefit from more balance, harmony, refinement?

  • 7th HOUSE: Thinking of my partner / best friend / significant 1:1 relationships, how might I contribute towards more patience, tolerance, harmony between us?

  • 8th HOUSE: In what ways might I increase my tolerance of being triggered and tested so that I can, instead, be transformed, and thus able to help bring harmony to the world from a place of depth?

  • 9th HOUSE: In what ways might I exercise patience and tolerance of others’ beliefs and philosophies in order to share my own, in a way that’s diplomatic and harmonious?

  • 10th HOUSE: In the arena of my public life and reputation, how might my ideal career contribute towards more balance, harmony, refinement out in the world?

  • 11th HOUSE: Thinking of my social group, how might I contribute towards more patience, tolerance, harmony among us so that our shared Big Picture Ideals may be optimally expressed?

  • 12th HOUSE: How might I bring more balance, harmony, and peace to my subconscious and all that is out of my control?

And from that polished perspective, we can set our Libra New Moon Intention(s) with optimistic anticipation of just that much more balance, harmony, and beauty in the coming month and beyond!

Happy New Moon!
