Diving Deep to Level Up: New Moon in Scorpio + Solar Eclipse

Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse

This month’s New Moon is not only in the Sign of Intensity – Scorpio – it’s also occurring as a Partial Solar Eclipse. This astronomical event will take place with both the Sun and the Moon at early degrees of Scorpio.

As with all New Moons, this start of a new lunar cycle invites us to pause and reflect on that area of life (which House in your Birth Chart the Sign of Scorpio shows up), and to set an intention accordingly. Scorpio energy asks us to dive deep into our shadows with a willingness to transform. It’s the Sign that, in its negative potentials, can express as obsessiveness, manipulation, everything taken to the extremes. But on the positive end of the spectrum of potentials, at its highest expression can lead to utter invincibility, as we conquer our own fears and become powerfully whole in that area of life.

In general, we all benefit from taking the time to ask ourselves the Scorpionic question of: What are my deepest fears and how might I courageously dive deep to face – and even embrace – them, ultimately ushering in transformation?

To get even more specific, you can look at where the Sign of Scorpio falls in your Birth Chart, and reflect on the question most appropriate for you. If Scorpio falls in your…

1st HOUSE: What do I fear with regards to that social script I’ve learned I’m meant to follow? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming the way I show up in the world?

2nd HOUSE:
What do I fear with regards to my values? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my sense of self-worth?

3rd HOUSE: What do I fear in the realm of thoughts and ideas? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming the way I communicate with others?

4th HOUSE: In my private life, what do I fear? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my sense of “true home”?

5th HOUSE: What do I fear in terms of how I creatively express myself? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my self-expression towards more authenticity?

6th HOUSE: What do I fear with regards to how I carry out my daily routines and take care of myself? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming how I take responsibility for my own life?

7th HOUSE: What do I fear in terms of my relationship with my partner and/or best friend? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my significant 1:1 relationships?

8th HOUSE: In what ways do I fear transformation itself? Knowing that it requires letting go of old identities (ego deaths), how might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately allowing transformation to help me on my evolutionary journey?

9th HOUSE: What do I fear in the realm of philosophies, beliefs, intuition? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my own wisdom?

10th HOUSE: What do I fear in the arena of my public life and career? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my reputation?

11th HOUSE: What do I fear with regards to my social group? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming the way I contribute to my community?

12th HOUSE: In what ways do I fear the ultimate letting go – in the realm of the subconscious? How might I courageously dive deep to face and embrace those fears, ultimately transforming my experience of the spiritual?

If these feel like scary and daunting questions, let’s acknowledge: they are!! Scorpio energy wants us to dive deep into our shadows, to unearth what’s hidden. If we can do so with a sense of “excitement of the unknown,” the resulting transformations can be that much more powerful and impactful.

In my view, the added super-charge of eclipse energy coming at us simultaneously at this time can serve us well: Solar Eclipses are a time of renewal and karmic soul growth. A new, exciting “karmic puzzle piece” of awareness is being presented to each of us who are open to receiving. This Partial Solar Eclipse is asking us to “level up” in whichever House of the Birth Chart where Scorpio falls.

So… Can we pause and stay quiet long enough? To sit with our fears AND to receive any new awarenesses that can help us evolve? Both are potentially incredibly transformative… and can help not only each of us individually but also collectively, as human consciousness continues to ascend to higher and higher levels.

Now THAT, at least for me, epitomizes the “excitement of the unknown!” I say – bring it on!
