How does Mars Retrograde in Gemini Express Differently in the 12 Houses?


After my last Blog post on this current Mars Retrograde period (end of Oct 2022 to mid-Jan 2023), I’ve been asked how this “boost” of Mars energy (power, motivation) is different, depending on where the Sign of Gemini shows up in one’s Birth Chart.

As mentioned in the previous article, depending on whether any Natal Planets or Points lie within 8 and 25 degrees of Gemini (where Mars is transiting during these 2+ months) on your Chart, you will be more or less affected. But even just basic awareness of which House this Retrograde is taking place in can help you refine your contemplative self-reflections even further – can help you harness the energy of Retrograde Mars in Gemini to make conscious and informed choices.

Remember, when Mars is in Retrograde it’s a time to pause and reflect on your energy and power. And in the Sign of Gemini this means specifically, your energy/motivation to be curious and your power of intelligence.

In this article, I will suggest some of the more specific reflection questions you can ask yourself when you know which House Gemini shows up in your Chart. (And if you’ve had a Reading with me but forgot, feel free to reach out and I’ll remind you! If you don’t know but are interested to learn, sign up for a Reading!) 

From the list below, find the House applicable to you / your Chart:

1st HOUSE: At my best, I show up in social situations as friendly and charming. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to spark my curiosity about how I could level up my self-image?

2nd HOUSE: What I own and put value in is probably related to learning. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to kindle my curiosity about how to further build my resources?

3rd HOUSE: I tend to gather and process information in an open-minded and curious way. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to find new ways of making sense of all the stimuli around me?

4th HOUSE: Curiosity and endless learning are part of my core emotional needs. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to kindle new ways to ground myself and recharge?

5th HOUSE: I express my passions in playful and versatile ways. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to get curious about how to further fuel my self-expression and creative power?

6th HOUSE: My daily life needs to be active, varied, and constantly stimulating for me to feel healthy. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to search out and try new / improved routines to level up my daily life, including work and health/exercise?

7th HOUSE: My significant 1:1 relationships work best when there’s constant newness and variety. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation and courage to ignite my curiosity about different ways to positively stimulate my close relationships?

8th HOUSE: I am fascinated by the endless possibilities that can lead to transformation. How might I harness this extra boost of courage to motivate me to get curious about all the different avenues to letting go of old identities and allow for ego-deaths?

9th HOUSE: I am open-minded in my beliefs and philosophies, which have developed as a result of my continual seeking. How might I harness this extra boost of courage and passion to search out new ways to fuel my explorations, allowing me to travel more—physically and/or philosophically?

10th HOUSE: My career and reputation has been built on the foundation of my curiosity and intellect. How might I harness this extra boost of motivation to kindle my curiosity about new and different ways I could step into public life more courageously?

11th HOUSE: Though my friends/social group may be hugely diverse, we share Big Picture Ideals. How might I harness this extra boost of courage and passion to find new and exciting ways to elevate those group ideals to new heights?

12th HOUSE: I accept that the endlessly enticing thoughts and ideas out there are always going to be just out of my limited 3D mind’s grasp. How might I harness this extra boost of courage to motivate me to get curious about how to allow my ego to dissolve so I can be in greater service to humanity?

On the negative end of the spectrum, Mars Retrograde in Gemini can make us feel scattered and distractible. Depending on where Gemini is in your Chart, expect to feel a bit of that anxious energy in that area of your life… and THEN, use the power of the Retrograde energy to calm yourself right back down, using the appropriate reflection above to help.

And it’s worth revisiting that reflection question any number of times during this Mars Retrograde period. As you’re able to take the time for a periodic pause between now and mid-January 2023, allow that Gemini energy to fuel your curiosity about what might come up in your reflections!

Enjoy your explorations of all the possibilities that make sense for your own, unique life!

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