New Moon in Sagittarius, November 2022

This month’s New Moon is taking place on the day before Thanksgiving. Up in the sky, the Moon will be in the Sign of Sagittarius—that wise, seeker energy, adventurous and optimistic when at its highest expression.

A hallmark of Sagittarius energy is the strong desire to be free. The goal of Sagittarius is to experience to its absolute fullest, this fantastic journey we call human life on Earth. 

What this might look like can largely be described in three main types of expression—as always, each with its own spectrum of positive and negative potentials:

The Reveler—whose personal mantra is something like, “Life is short so enjoy it while you can!” They enthusiastically and incessantly follow their heart toward the next exhilarating experience. It’s all about freedom for enjoyment, often wanting to expand way beyond rules and other confinements… for better or for worse.

  • High expression: Always remembering to “Have fun!” and in so doing reminding others around them to not forget to do the same.
  • Lower expression: Think John Belushi of Animal House: while having a blast, he’s letting life slip through his fingers.

The Globetrotter
—whose personal mantra is basically, “The grass is greener on the other side so I’m going there!” … and there, and there, and over there too… It’s all about freedom to explore the wide world out there, collecting an unending string of adventure stories to color an undeniably exciting life… unless/until taken to the extreme. (For example, never staying in one place long enough to cultivate a sense of “home,” whether that be in a physical place or within one’s own grounded heart.)

  • High expression: Think of the great adventurers, like Amelia Earhart. Or Indiana Jones or Dora the Explorer.
  • Lower expression: The Lonely Vagabond, striving to fill that unnameable hole with yet another plane/train/automobile ride or exotic friend, “certain” that THIS new place or interesting person will finally be “it.”

The Seeker
—whose personal mantra may be the simple-yet-profound question, “What is the meaning of life?” They find themselves on a lifelong quest for the Ultimate Truth as they stretch toward freedom beyond the mundane details of day-to-day life. But as 3D reality is (at least still at this time) a part of the human experience, the shadow side may show up if all of that knowledge-gained turns into a self-righteous attitude towards others.

  • High expression: Bring to mind any spiritual teacher you learn from, admire, emulate.
  • Lower expression: Bring to mind any dogmatic fundamentalist who believes their Truth is the “only” truth, and looks down on anyone else’s.

As we all have Sagittarius somewhere in our Birth Charts (though for some, this energy is stronger than for others; see this post for more info), at this time of the New Moon, it’s valuable to pause and reflect on which of the above-three descriptions feels most familiar. And from that standpoint, to set our New Moon Intentions.

Do you see yourself as more naturally that wisdom-seeker type, interested in the inward-search and philosophizing on the meaning of life? Do you tend to seek freedom through travel and exploration of the world out there? Do you prefer to prioritize Fun (with a capital F!) over everything else?

Of course, at different points in our lives one type might show up more prominently than the other two at any given time. And one is not necessarily “better” than another—that judgment stems from cultural constructs—all three have positive and negative potentials.

At this point in your life, going with whichever description resonates most strongly, ask yourself if you’re currently tending toward the lower or higher expression of that particular stripe of Sagittarian energy. Then ask yourself—no matter where on the spectrum you may be right now:

“How might I express my desire for freedom in the wisest way possible?”

And then, with that Sagittarian optimism—along with a dash of Thanksgiving gratitude—see what New Moon Intention arises for you as we begin this next lunar cycle.

Happy New Moon and Happy Thanksgiving!

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