Full Moon in Gemini, December 2022

Happy December Full Moon! The last Full Moon of Autumn, the last Full Moon of this year, 2022.

Full Moons are a time of releasing – whether in celebration of karmic completions, or letting go of that which no longer serves. Or both! Today, with this Full Moon of December – it’s a particularly potent time for bidding farewell to whatever is ready to fade away with the end of the year.

When looking for what may be coming to culmination or completion – it’s often a theme related to one that was notable / of importance for you six months ago, when the New Moon was in the same Sign… in this case, Gemini. If you keep a journal, or if you’re able to go back to May 30, 2022 in your calendar, email communications, social media posts, photos taken, etc., it can be fascinating to see what was going on with you at New Moon in Gemini at the end of last May… to identify what may be coming to completion now, with the Full Moon back in the same Sign.

What previous idea / inspiration was present in your life at the end of May 2022 that you can see now is coming to culmination or completion? 

What can you identify in your life back then – especially related to the Gemini energy of curiosity, intellect, and communication – that can be celebrated now, in its more developed or evolved state?

I was thrilled to reread in my own journal pages dating to May 2022 that at that time I was finalizing the lyrics to two songs I’d been working on. I was starting to reach out to collaborators to schedule instrumental sessions. Hah! Well, as it turns out, just yesterday, we brought those songs to their finalized versions!! Speaking of release… can we talk CD release?! I will be releasing these new song babies out into the world in the coming weeks – and that for me is definitely cause for celebration! Stay tuned for more…

Simultaneously, I noticed in my private journal writings another thing that was going on in my personal life six months ago, that it’s clear now, no longer serves me. And so with that, tonight I will light my ritual candles, say thank you from the bottom of my heart, and bless and release.

What about you? 

As you pause tonight under this powerful end-of-year Full Moon, what are you ready to celebrate? 

What are you ready to let go of?

Back to Soul Map Songs.
