Jupiter is Leaving Pisces: How Was it for You?

Anyone else out there starting to feel charged up with a sense of seemingly unbounded enthusiasm to exuberantly go out and conquer the world? A carpe diem (“Seize the day!”) kind of infusion of energy into your spirit?

Whether you’re explicitly feeling those energies or not—buckle up, hold onto your hat, and hang on for the fast-moving ride of Jupiter speeding through the sign of Aries in the next five months!

But… before we step onto the high-speed Jupiter-in-Aries train (“departure” is Wed, Dec. 21, 2022; same day as Winter Solstice), let’s take these last few days while Jupiter is still in the Sign of Pisces to pause and reflect. How was it for you?

Using the theatrical play analogy which is always so helpful, if the Planet of Jupiter (at best, that generous, benefic King of the Gods) is our main actor here, for the past year he was playing his part largely through a Piscean script. On the positive end of the spectrum, that may have looked like the accomplishments of a wise and expansive, compassionate, spiritual healer. Or if more on the negative side of things, it might have shown up as escapist tendencies blown way out of proportion, fueled by the lower end of Piscean expressions of oversensitivity and overwhelm.

Of course, there are infinite possibilities along the spectrum of what Jupiter in Pisces energy looks like, based on each of our individual Birth Charts: in which House the Sign of Pisces lies, and what Aspects (conversations/dialogues) Transiting Jupiter might have made with the various Natal Planets. But even at a broad/general level, it’s still valuable to look back at your own life and see how the energies played out for you.

Reflecting on Jupiter’s Transit through Pisces, mostly from Dec. 28, 2021 - May 11, 2022
(if you’re up for getting really specific, you could also include the following two shorter periods included in the Planet’s Retrograde motion: from May 13 - July 28, 2021 and then again from Oct. 28 - Dec. 20, 2022) ask yourself the following questions. And remember, you’ve probably felt some variation of both ends of the spectrum at some point during this period!

  • Did I feel a pull towards expanding my spirituality in some way? If so, how did I pursue that? What did it look like? How has it helped me to grow?

  • With a clear and discerning—but also non-judgmental—eye, looking at myself honestly: can I identify some ways in which I may have fallen into escapist traps/tendencies to “help” me deal with overwhelm… but in the end, actually did not help me grow at all?

Know that in simply doing this reflective exercise, you ARE promoting self-growth and evolution! If you’re able, take some time to journal on your reflections.

As always, when you know your House placement of Pisces, applying these two questions specifically to your Birth Chart serves to hone your self-inquiry even further. Look at your Chart and see in which House the Sign of Pisces resides. Then find the appropriate bullet point below, and apply the above two questions that that specific area of your psyche:

  • Pisces in 1st House: In terms of my self-image

  • Pisces in 2nd House: In terms of my values and sense of self-worth

  • Pisces in 3rd House: In how I gather and process information

  • Pisces in 4th House: In terms of my home and “comfort zone”

  • Pisces in 5th House: In terms of my creativity and self-expression

  • Pisces in 6th House: In terms of my daily routines and responsibilities

  • Pisces in 7th House: In terms of my partnerships and projections

  • Pisces in 8th House: In the realm of transformations and ego-deaths

  • Pisces in 9th House: In terms of my philosophies and wisdom

  • Pisces in 10th House: In terms of my career and reputation

  • Pisces in 11th House: In relation to my friendships, network, and “Big Picture” ideals

  • Pisces in 12th House: In the realm of subconscious karma and spirituality

These kinds of reflections can be so illuminative for us. Looking back and taking stock, we can begin to see what our propensities seem to be; we can learn how we might do better next time.

Planetary Transits always have an evolutionary purpose. We are all on an evolutionary path; we are all meant to grow in some way. It’s up to us whether we do that kicking and screaming (suffering), or in a conscious, deliberate manner of discerning navigation, even through the occasional rough waters.

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