New Moon in Capricorn, December 2022

Capricorn—that hard-working mythic Sea-Goat—sets the script for this month’s New Moon. With “Try harder!” and “Never give up!” as its mantras, this is the energy that, at its best, draws from that deep well of will-power and strength (perhaps even deeper than you knew)… and that potentially results in mastery and accomplishments that you had absolutely no idea was within you in the first place. This is the most goal-oriented of all the Zodiac Signs and the one that yields masterpieces and legacies, when expressing at its best.

Wherever Capricorn falls in your Birth Chart is that arena of your life where, if you keep your nose to the grindstone and work diligently and consistently over the course of many years, becomes an area you can eventually claim mastery over. And represents the realm in which others also recognize your authority and leadership.

As with everything in Astrology, there’s a shadow side as well… which in this case, at its worst (“Try harder and never give up!” ad infinitum), could look like flat-out self-abuse. Or that area of your life where “the weight of the world” feels like it's on your shoulders alone, where you feel ready to collapse under the heft of self-imposed unnecessary burdens and accompanying repressed emotions. Which could spin you deep into “woe is me” depression, martyrdom, and pessimism.

This New Moon, why not utilize that Herculean potential within you? Take on the “tough love” examination of that area of your Chart where Capricorn falls. (If you don’t know which House you have Capricorn in, click HERE to book a Reading and find out!) Then go to the appropriate section below and reflect on the question…

1st HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in terms of how I show up in the world?

2nd HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in terms of my sense of self worth and/or my work ethic?

3rd HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in my gathering and processing of information?

4th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in terms of my private life, home and comfort zone?

5th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in terms of my creativity and self-expression?

6th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in terms of my daily routines and responsibilities?

7th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition with regards to my partner / best friend / significant 1:1 relationships?

8th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in facing what triggers, tests, and ultimately transforms me?

9th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in the development of my philosophies and wisdom?

10th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in my public life, career, and reputation?

11th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition with regards to my social group and “Big Picture” ideals?

12th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more maturity and ambition in allowing for the dissolving of my ego so that I can be in spiritual service to the greater “whole” of humanity?

As with all New Moons, this start of a new lunar cycle invites us to pause and set an intention for the next lunar cycle. Having reflected on the Capricorn area of your life, see what arises as making the most sense for you aspire to “take on” in the coming month: what’s the mountain you want to climb?

I’ll see you at the top!

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