"Imagine All the People..." Aquarius New Moon, January 2023


My theme song for New Moon in Aquarius is John Lennon’s “Imagine” –

Imagine all the people
Livin’ for today…  


Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace… 


Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…

Aquarius is the Sign of the collective – “We Rule!” big picture thinking, prioritizing what’s best for the group – and it’s the Sign of the unorthodox. Aquarian energy endows us with three gifts:

  • Overriding concern for the well-being of humanity – particularly with the aim of bringing everyone onto a level playing field; humanitarian, progressive, liberation-oriented
  • A relatively objective viewpoint from a “30,000 foot” overhead view, allowing us to stay above the drama of everyday life
  • A spirit of rebelliousness that holds nothing sacred, and thus frees us to think way outside the box, to envision – and even embrace – entirely new and novel ideas

Collectively, all of us on Earth at this time are being nudged to rise up to an “eagle’s perch” in order to clearly and objectively visualize and manifest unconventional possibilities for all of humanity. In so doing we can help to raise consciousness-levels to heights never before attained.

At the individual level, we are being encouraged by the powerful Super New Moon this month to be as unique and quirky and independent as each of our idiosyncratic selves can be.

Wherever the Sign of Aquarius shows up in your Birth Chart is the area of your life where you have the gift to see the Big Picture and hold a Utopian Vision for humanity. It’s the area of your life where you are motivated to be totally, uniquely YOU, and to “do your own thing” (while at the same time, staying motivated to make sure others are free to do their own thing too).

So, appropriate questions for reflection at this time of the New Moon include:

  • If Utopia means “a world in which everything is perfect,” what does “a perfect world” mean to me? What does it look like according to my unique vision?
  • If I had total freedom to “do my own thing,” what would that actually look like? What would I be doing? And how could that serve to elevate all of humanity to new levels of consciousness?
  • How would I rewrite the lyrics to the song, “Imagine” from my distinctive point of view?

To get even more specific, look at which House of your Birth Chart the Sign of Aquarius falls in. (If you don’t know, click HERE to book a Reading and find out!) Then go to the appropriate section below and reflect on the question…

1st HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could I show up as uniquely ME, in order to contribute to the greater good?

2nd HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my unique values and sense of self-worth contribute to the greater good?

3rd HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my unique ways of gathering, processing, and communicating information contribute to the greater good?

4th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my private life, home and comfort zone contribute in a unique way to the greater good?

5th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my creativity and unique self-expression contribute to the greater good?

6th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my unique way of carrying out daily responsibilities and routines contribute to the greater good?

7th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my significant 1:1 relationships contribute to the greater good?

8th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how might I be able to face what triggers, tests, and ultimately transforms me in order to contribute to the greater good?

9th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my unique philosophies and wisdom contribute to the greater good?

10th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my public life, career, and reputation contribute to the greater good?

11th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could my social group and unique Big Picture Ideals contribute to the greater good?

12th HOUSE: In my vision of a perfect world, how could I allow my ego to dissolve so that I can be in spiritual service to the greater whole of humanity in a profoundly unique way?

On the foundation of these reflections, then set your Aquarius New Moon intention.

What a potent moment it is during these few days to pause, really cultivate your vision, and plant that seed of intention… not only for yourself but for all of us! Thank you for taking even a few moments to do so – to add your beautifully singular voice to the larger choir of humanity!

Back to Soul Map Songs.
