New SuperMoon in Pisces, Feb 2023

In astronomical terms, a SuperMoon is when the Moon is closest to the Earth during its orbit. Astrologically, a SuperMoon means that we potentially feel the Moon’s energies more strongly.

During its monthly elliptical path, the Moon travels through all 12 of the Zodiac Signs, spending about 2.5 days in each. This upcoming New Moon will be in the Sign of Pisces.

And what perfect timing it is for us right now, to embrace the strong Piscean energies of divine and unconditional love. To pause and contemplate the “oneness” of all things. To set intent for more intuitive, compassionate, spiritual healing for all sentient beings on this Earth.

As we know, New Moons are times of new beginnings, a powerful time to plant metaphorical seeds. It’s even more powerful when we write down our intentions, and then even more potent when we visualize those intentions… particularly when they are aligned with where that New Moon falls in our Birth Charts.

Wherever Pisces falls in your Chart is the area where, perhaps earlier in your life or at times when you’re not at your best, you may lack good boundaries. At its worst, it can be that area where you find yourself feeling totally overwhelmed and that “everything is out of control.” Sometimes this extreme ends up leading towards escapism through martyrdom, a victim-mentality, and/or addictions of all kinds.

However, this is also the area where, once you learn to draw borders, practice self-care, and ultimately non-attachment, potentially becomes that sacred realm of your life and of your psyche where you can connect with the Divine. With a mantra of “All is well and unfolding as it should,” we can trust the spiritual, the intuition, that unexplainable feeling of KNOWING that each of us is just one part of a much larger whole. And once we’re able to live by that notion, that mantra of “All is as it’s meant to be” flows as easily as breath itself.

Where is Pisces on your Chart?

If you don’t know but want to learn more, book a Reading with me, or—if you’re local to Santa Fe, join us at the Pop-Up New Moon Circle I’m leading on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023—and we can explore!

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