Steering the Ship through the Turbulent Waters of Progressions

I don’t believe in “coincidence” anymore. I prefer to notice when seemingly “random” events occur simultaneously, and I embrace them as synchronicities. I pause to contemplate, to allow my intuition to tell me what the bigger message might be… and then usually end up marveling, once again, at the beautiful poetry that life is.

So when I had several clients come for Readings recently because they feel at a crossroads point in their life, navigating challenging transitions, I looked at their Charts and saw that all of them showed major Progressions happening right now. Of course! I, too, am currently navigating a couple of major Progressions in my own life at this time. I’ve been diving deeper into the meaning of my own current Progressions, so naturally the Universe is “sending” me people who are ready to dive into their own! What a gift!

What are Progressions?

Unlike Transits, which affect all of us (note the warnings that are increasingly showing up in mainstream media: “Watch out! Mercury is going into Retrograde!”), Progressions are entirely unique to each individual. They are 100% personal to each Birth Chart and take place on that person’s idiosyncratic astrological timeline. 

Whereas a Transiting Planet comes around on a predictable “schedule” according to its orbit and affects any Natal Planet or Point on the Birth Chart it’s crossing by adding its signature energy and moving on, a Progressed Planet or Angle, in contrast, never really “moves past” a Natal Planet or Point. Rather, it integrates that set of energies into its own, and as a result, evolves into a more complex whole.

For example, a Progressed Sun aims to integrate new energies into your Main Identity, making “what you can’t help being” more complex, integrated, and evolved. A Progressed Venus wants to integrate new energies into how and what you love, making your ability to create harmony with others and your sense of self-worth more complex, integrated, and evolved. A Progressed MC shows integration of new energies into your career and public persona, making your profession and social reputation more complex, integrated, and evolved. And so on; each Planet and Angle progresses throughout one’s lifetime.

Progressions can be thought of as your own life’s “code” of which energies your Soul wanted you to learn to embody in this lifetime… and in exactly which years of your life to (hopefully) discover and integrate them in a healthy way.

That said, the transition of a Progressed Planet into a new Sign/House can be a very destabilizing experience. It’s not a surprise that people turn to astrology for guidance at such times. Progressions will stabilize eventually, but for the last couple of years before any Progressed Planet shifts into its next Sign/House, and the first couple of years after, it is very common to feel confused, and like you don’t really know “what the plan is” anymore!

But… as you’re able to get a bird’s eye view, to rise to the “30,000 feet in elevation” perspective of your Higher Self, you’re able to invite the new energies into your 3D human self, and steer the ship with conviction and faith through what otherwise feels like turbulent waters.

If any of this resonates, I’d be delighted to work with you to see what Progressions (and/or Transits, too!) might be happening for you right now. My clients and I can attest, from first-hand experience, this kind of exploration can be incredibly validating, reassuring, and ultimately thrilling as “the land ahead” comes into view. Reach out and let’s talk!

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