What Do These 3 Things Have in Common?


I am grateful to have found the school of Evolutionary Astrology, out of the myriad approaches to this ancient science that are out there, just as I am grateful to have found Iyengar Yoga, out of the myriad ways to practice and study that ancient science. Similarly, I am grateful to have found the Visual Thinking Strategies approach to engaging people with art, back when I was a Museum educator (rather than having to try to stuff millenia of art history into my own, much less other people’s, minds).

What Evolutionary Astrology, Iyengar Yoga, and Visual Thinking Strategies all have in common is a foundation of inquiry. 

Engagement with the material by close looking, for an extended period of time. Asking questions, and more questions… then increasingly deeper and deeper questions. Examining with penetrating curiosity, the material itself—whether that be a Birth Chart, a work of art, or what your inner ankle is doing when you’re balancing on one leg.

It’s about bringing the mind to focus on the “thing,” entertaining multiple possibilities of response, and staying focused long enough to receive an answer… the answer that is born from whatever union or “oneness” was achieved between you and the object of inquiry, through sustained inquisitive attention.

That I get to practice all three every day is a true gift and privilege.

Please reach out if you’re interested in joining me for a unique blend of these blessed practices.

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