The Conscious Nodal Journey is like Caramelizing Onions

I love it when simple daily acts, like cooking, yield major aha-moments. I was making a favorite soup last night, where the “secret ingredient” is caramelized onions. And – voila! – while peeling those onions, the analogy that initially came to me the other day when writing about the Nodal Journey suddenly led right into another…

In my last post, I ended with the analogy of peeling onion skin, one layer at a time, to describe the mindful, conscious journey from the astrological South Node towards the North. Think of it as peeling away the more negative or lower expression potentials of the South Node as you mindfully move toward the North. So that the strengths—or higher expressions—of your South Node can serve as a solid launchpad to the North. (Remember, all astrological energies run on a spectrum of potentials; we use our free will choice to decide which direction to go.)

In the kitchen, to work with an onion, we must first peel off the skin. Then once the outermost layers have been stripped and we’ve sliced or chopped, into the pan it goes. Going back to my favorite soup recipe that calls for caramelized onions, I have to let them simmer in the pan on gentle heat for a good long time. At least 30 minutes—which, I must admit, when I’m feeling particularly hungry and impatient, feels like forever. BUT… cultivate a bit of willpower and patience, and the result? That spicy onion eventually becomes sweet! The essence of the onion is still there, but the quality of taste has completely metamorphosed. And when those caramelized onions are added to the base of my soup, the flavor is utterly transformed.

This is what happens when we work deliberately and in an informed way with our own astrological Nodal Journey. It takes the initial, courageous dive into shadow work (the stinging and tears that automatically come with the peeling of the outermost layers of that onion).

It takes the acknowledgment that whatever negative or insecure expressions of the South Node themes you notice now when reflecting on your past behavior—understanding that those lower expressions of the energies needed to play out, in order to resolve or heal past karma. No judgment; forgive yourself in an act of deep compassion and self-love, and then “bless-and-release” (put into the compost bin, those hard, bitter outer layers of the onion).

It takes informed and well thought out decision-making on how to move forward, even when those choices that feel “right” simultaneously feel daunting—if not truly terrifying. The North Node themes are always going to be outside our comfort zone. (We must deliberately slice and dice the onion and then toss the pieces into the pan… and if need be, small portions at a time. Whatever feels manageable.)

Finally, it takes the passage of time (letting those onions cook, and cook down, and cook down more, over low, slow heat) and staying-the-course with a strong faith in the wisdom of your Higher Self, as you travel along unfamiliar and scary paths of transformation. The key is to consistently check in (just as you stir and taste those onions), adjusting and tweaking all along the way.

This is the mindful, conscious work of the Nodal Journey. And this is what allows for the magic of clear intention to do its alchemical work.

And just as those caramelized onions are added and blended into the soup as the secret ingredient leading to deliciousness, every mindful, conscious choice you’ve made in alignment with your Soul’s Mission adds up to exponential growth and evolution—for your own self as well as in contribution toward the raising of consciousness of humanity as a whole.

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