Invisible Red Thread: Full Moon in Libra, April 2023

 Invisible Red Thread

An ancient Chinese proverb –

“An invisible Red Thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.”

And what a time — the Full Moon in Libra — to have been reminded of this!

I have felt the truth of this proverb in fractals of experiences in recent days and am completely awestruck. Humbled beyond words. All I can say is, thank you, Universe. Specifically, I bow in gratitude to the Full Moon that is so clearly illuminating this “invisible Red Thread.”

It all started while lying on the beach in Florida three days ago. Last day of vacation. 

Just after having listened to a David Whyte poem on Poetry Unbound, and the accompanying reflections on nostalgia by podcast host, Padraig O Tuama. Lying there in the warm sun, enjoying my own nostalgic reflections on connections to places and to people… 

When all of a sudden, a faint and distant memory of a small exhibit I once saw in a little cafe just a block or two away from the Detroit Institute of Arts began to come into focus within my mind’s eye. It was in November of 2015. (That much was instantly clear, as this visit to Michigan was in the middle of my meandering cross-country drive when I moved from New England to New Mexico; I had given myself several weeks in order to visit friends and art museums along the way.) 

“Something about a red thread…?” I reminisced. I was sure I had taken a picture, since the modest art installation had so strongly struck a chord in me…

And lo and behold (thank you iPhone photos), I was easily able to find it by place and month/year. The image above is that picture. (With sincere apologies to the artist, whose name, unfortunately, I don’t seem to have captured. And this is, of course, only one tiny fraction of the installation.)

So yesterday afternoon, back in Santa Fe, this ancient Chinese proverb came up in conversation with a friend – a relatively new friend according to the concrete 3D reality we live in. But so seamlessly have he and I connected on such profoundly deep levels in the span of only a few weeks, it is undeniable that we have a Soul connection that stretches back lifetimes. This “new friendship” is simply a happy reunion. 

Of course I had to share with him the picture from that Detroit exhibit. The tug of that invisible Red Thread was palpable.

We joyfully affirmed the truth of the proverb as we finished our last sips of tea. Left the cafe and I walked him to his car. After we parted ways and I turned to walk across the parking lot to my own car, I hadn’t taken ten steps when I heard my name being called. A woman’s voice…? 

Turning around, I noticed someone jumping out of a big camper van – and then gasped: an old friend / Iyengar yoga colleague from New England whom I haven’t seen in close to ten years! And whose name had just come up in conversation in Florida at the yoga retreat I’d been at only one week ago?! How could it be?!

Hah! The Red Thread. I laughed out loud all the way home, marveling at the magic of it all.

Libra energy is all about relationships. Full moons are times of illumination.

If this Libra Full Moon is not illuminating the everlasting strength of meaningful relationships, “regardless of time, space, or circumstance,” I don’t know what is. What a gift!!

May this Libra Full Moon illuminate the enduring loving relationships in your life. May we all celebrate the strength of that invisible Red Thread.


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