Beltane / May Day 2023

Happy Beltane! May Day! Cross-quarter day in the Wheel of the Year! The Sun is well-established in the Sign of Taurus; we have reached the midpoint of the Spring season.

How are YOU celebrating?

Taurus being an Earth Sign and ruled by Venus, this is a time to honor the cycles of growth and renewal that we are witnessing in nature all around us. A time to celebrate fertility and abundance.

What natural beauty in your life brings a smile to your face, a lift to your spirits?

Especially during this Eclipse season, we can also harness the energies of Scorpio, the Sign opposite Taurus, and where the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse will be taking place later this week. Scorpio being that Water Sign ruled by Pluto and associated with death, rebirth, and transformation, we have the opportunity to embrace big changes happening in our lives at this time.

In what areas of your life are you experiencing renewal? Growth and evolution?

Here in Northern NM, where the high desert meets the Rocky Mountains, I am certainly feeling a little bit of both of those polarities of Taurus and Scorpio energies these days! Spring flowers are starting to bloom, bringing welcome bursts of color amidst the brown winter garden detritus still needing to be cleared. Up the mountain just a few hundred feet above town, ice and snow only reluctantly beginning to melt. But melting, nonetheless (even between surprise late Spring snowstorms!).

Tulips Spring 2023     

When I pause and reflect (especially out among the flowers, and this weekend, up the mountain hiking alongside the streams of rushing snowmelt), I see the metaphors in my own life: old patterns and paradigms transmuting, stuckness and stagnation melting away into dynamic flow, fertilizing new ground, helping new ideas bud and germinate.

It’s a powerful time to consciously plant seeds of intention—clearly stated desire for what we want to grow and cultivate in our lives in the coming months. I am carving out the time to do that mindfully, this week. Will you make time to do the same? It is such an opportune moment!
