Happy Gemini Season! May 2023

As of Sunday, May 21, the Transiting Sun moved into the Sign of the Twins—Happy Gemini Season!

Where is Gemini placed in your Birth Chart? This is the area that is being “highlighted” by the bright light of the Sun this month.

Let’s say you have Gemini on the cusp of your 2nd House. This is the area related to finances; your values—what you deem worth building; ultimately, it’s about your own sense of self-worth. Well then, financially-speaking, you probably have money coming in from different sources, and/or it’s always in a quick and constant flow—both in and out. In terms of your values, you very much believe that the gathering of information from a wide variety of sources is hugely valuable; the constant give-and-take of communication with others is of great importance to you. And you probably determine your sense of self-worth based on that flow of information... admit it: you like being quick-witted and clever!

Of course, there’s always the Shadow side of these potentials as well… no matter which House we’re talking about. For example, that “constant flow” when it comes to your finances? Is it perhaps due to your careless spending as fast as you earn? Or that “gift of gab” that gives you a sense of self-worth as a friendly, outgoing person? Beware of when the constant chatter starts to morph into gossip. Generally speaking, there’s a real tendency for scatteredness and burn-out with the non-stop nature of Gemini energy. Notice when you’re plagued by “just too much going on!” … especially between your own two ears.

What about if you have Gemini in your 11th House? Classically, this is the “House of Friends.” In other words, the wider community out there, your network, even social movements you’re a part of. We’re still working with the Gemini agenda of intelligent communication, curiosity, the dynamic exchange of ideas—as you strategically work to hone your Big Picture Ideals. At the positive end of the spectrum of potentials, there can be a real drive, a sense of momentum when it comes to gathering a diverse array of inputs, especially with regards to creating exciting goals for the future—for your own future self as well as for the future of society at large. The other end of the spectrum, however, still looms in the background: chaos reigning over an enormous and unwieldy pile of “facts” that go nowhere.

A balance between the exciting and endless gathering of information and then sitting down to the “boring” task of organizing and prioritizing is always going to be the name of the game when it comes to healthy Gemini energy. And of course, contextualizing Gemini within the rest of your Birth Chart and what Planets and Aspects are there to help you.

How does Gemini energy show up for you? How might you harness it consciously, mindfully?

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