New Moon in Taurus, May 2023

Head of bull surrounded by circle of stars

Every Sign in the Zodiac has many associations. And as I’m always reminding people, a whole spectrum of potentials—ranging from the baser tendencies that have us running on automatic programming… to the highest expressions of conscious living.

Taurus is that second Sign of the Zodiac where our surroundings, and the accumulation of comforts begin to matter. It’s the energy that allows us to slowly and steadily build that which we deem valuable, and in so doing begin to find our own sense of self-worth.

Taurus is associated with everything from an orientation towards Comfort (with a capital C) to indulgent materialism. From acquiring and enjoying earthly and sensual pleasures to devolving into a stuck-in-comfort-zone rut that may become so “comfortable” we find ourselves too lazy to leave it. From the building of strong boundaries to stubbornly resisting change. From peacefulness and calm to downright boredom. With every theme, there’s a range of high to low potentials.

Which do you notice seem to be your natural inclinations? (No judgment; keep a curious, open mind. Be honest.)

Which do you consciously choose, as the next step in your journey of evolution?

How do you cultivate a greater propensity toward healthy choices, so that you can steadfastly build an impervious sense of self-worth?

I am choosing patience, peace and calm—and sovereignty—as the focus of my Taurus New Moon Intention this month. For me that’s all about how I’m showing up in the world, with stable groundedness in my Spiritual practices.

Where does Taurus show up in your Birth Chart? If you know which is your Taurean House, find it below, and use the suggested question to reflect on that realm of your life:

1st HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm in how I show up in the world and interact in social situations?

2nd HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm when it comes to my finances and sense of self worth?

3rd HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm as I gather and process information, and communicate with those in “my little corner of the world”?

4th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm in my private life, home and comfort zone?

5th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm with regards to my creativity and self-expression?

6th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm in my daily routines and responsibilities?

7th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm in terms of how I relate to my partner / best friend / significant 1:1 relationships?

8th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm when facing that which triggers and tests me—ultimately leading to transformation?

9th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm with regards to my philosophies and wisdom?

10th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm in the realm of my public life, career, and reputation?

11th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm among my social group and network of friends?

12th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more patience, peace and calm in the realm of my Spiritual life?

As you reflect, see what New Moon Intention emerges for you. And then set it.

May we all find just that much more groundedness in peace and calm at this time. Namaste.

Back to Soul Map Songs.
