Stepping up to Saturn in Pisces

I love it when I talk with people who share with me what they’re currently working on and what that means for them… for the reason that I truly appreciate and honor the human capacity for self-reflection. And I am grateful to be able to witness people’s genuine interest in wanting to grow and evolve themselves.

AND I love it when what they’re describing happens to be entirely aligned with what’s going on at the moment, astrologically-speaking.

In this case, a friend of mine I hadn’t seen for a while. Updating me on her recent Commitment-to-Self to step up her guitar practice. For real. In a serious way. Finally embracing the undeniable reality of this: when she practices consistently and for a significant chunk of uninterrupted, dedicated time, she feels more energized and alive—and the rest of her day then literally runs more efficiently. And that when she doesn’t, she feels bereft.

I could not make up a more perfect example of someone aligning themselves with the energies of Saturn’s recent move into Pisces. Whether they’re conscious of it or not.

It was back on March 7th when the Planet Saturn left the Sign of Aquarius, where it had been since 2020, and entered its new “home” for the next two and a half years, Pisces.

Traditionally, negative qualities are attributed to Saturn; it’s associated with restrictions, challenges, and pessimism. Those may be accurate expressions of the energy… but only on one end of the spectrum! Saturn is also about structure—in the positive sense of self-discipline, persistence, mastery and manifestation. It represents that energy that encourages us to “grow up” and “buck up”... because it’s for our own good. AND as a result, we will be that much more mature, stable, and able to stand in our own integrity.

Pisces is the Sign associated with creativity, spirituality, healing. (Again, as always, there’s also the other end of the spectrum that includes delusion, escapism, lack of boundaries.)

Piscean energy elevated to its height allows us to tap into our visionary powers, connecting to the Oneness of All, perhaps even receiving downloads from the Divine. In what ways? In whatever ways each of us find inspiration. How we cultivate creativity. How we enter into states of Flow.

And so, when Saturn, that tough-love disciplinarian, seeks to serve such lofty Piscean values, the question becomes:

“What spiritual / creative calling helps turn on that lightbulb of inspiration in me? And how can I mindfully adjust my life—even just a little—to allow for more of it?”

This friend of mine, telling me that she’s decided to truly commit to practicing guitar two hours a day from now on—BECAUSE it fuels her fire for the rest of day, BECAUSE she is simply worse off when she doesn’t—is a beautiful example of embracing Saturn in Pisces energy. As is the case with many musicians, creative expression through their instrument is a spiritual practice.

What does Saturn in Pisces look like for you, in your life?

If nothing immediately jumps to mind, of course, you have the next two+ years to figure that out… To return to creative pursuits that you used to be passionate about. To dive deeper into whatever spiritual practice nourishes your Soul. Or maybe to try out something new in the realm of the imagination that you’ve always wanted to but never gave yourself permission…

Saturn is nudging you, whispering in your ear, “Go ahead, it’ll be good for you.”

Why resist? Resistance is what leads to that sense of restrictions and limitations. Stepping up, rising to the challenge is what ultimately leads to maturity and mastery. And if you keep it up for the duration of Saturn’s transit through Pisces, three years from now when you look back, you’ll likely surprise yourself by what you’ve achieved.

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