Summer Solstice, June 21, 2023


Astronomically, the Sun is about to reach its highest point in the sky (from our perspective here on Earth in the Northern Hemisphere). This marks the longest day of the year: Summer Solstice.

Astrologically, the Sun moves into the Sign of Cancer on this day, and energetically, there’s a shift in consciousness—away from the highly-stimulatable, sometimes slightly frenetic Geminian spirit, to the quieter, self-nurturing, and deeper emotionality of Cancerian vibes.

The Cancer Solstice represents an opportunity for growth and transformation with regards to our emotional nature and soul’s evolution. Each of us has our own unique path of evolution, as mapped out by our Higher Self. 

It’s an opportune time to “take a time-out” from the highly active summer schemes that reach their peak during this season, to consciously make time to take care of the self and immediate surroundings, even if for just a few hours around the Solstice.

Since Cancerian themes include domesticity and home life, it’s a particularly appropriate time to pay closer attention to the home environment.

  • Does your home feel secure and nurturing to your soul?
  • What tiny adjustments could you make to enhance those qualities? (Or… any bigger projects that you’ve been putting off and maybe it is time to tackle once and for all, knowing it’ll feel sooooo much better afterwards?)

Having a sacred space is essential for strong Cancerian energy. Whether a whole room or a corner of a room, an area of the garden, or a simple altar next to your desk or bed, is there a place you can designate as special for yourself?

  • A place you feel safe and comfortable to retreat to, when in need of undisturbed quiet reflection?
  • What kinds of objects or symbols hold personal meaning for you that can be placed in this space to help you deeply reconnect with yourself?

The Cancer Solstice is a potent time to pause to look inward—to take stock of your inner emotional landscape:

In what ways have you evolved in your spiritual journey since this time last year? 

It’s a powerful time to recognize and acknowledge any inner woundings or patterns that require further healing. That can only be done when we feel truly safe and deeply comfortable.

  • What kinds of self-care practices or rituals help you replenish your energy?
  • Whether it’s taking a luxurious bubble bath, indulging in a favorite hobby you normally “don’t have time for,” or spending quality time with loved ones, how about making a plan to partake in simple self-care sometime during this Solstice week?

And when we feel fully nourished (but not over-indulged!), we find ourselves fortified to go forth with confident force and vigor on this healing and evolutionary path we are on as humans on Earth at this time.

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