Happy Virgo Season! August 2023


Beautifully organized workspace

The other day, a friend and colleague of mine mentioned, "Oh by the way, when you said 'Happy Virgo Season!' to me last week, I kind of ran with that! I've been decluttering and organizing both my office and home ever since! I've been meaning to thank you for that little nudge!"

It's always a joy to hear from others how I may have helped them in some way, even if inadvertently. Even the smallest thing like a greeting at the start of a new season (astrologically, Virgo Season started last week, on August 23rd, 2023) -- you just never know what might be catalyzed by it! And particularly for me, with my heavy Virgo energy (three planets in that sign, including Jupiter, which of course expands anything it touches), it's music to my ears when people mention something I did that was helpful.

Because one of the hallmarks of Virgo energy at its higher expressions is "the urge to serve."

Let's dive deeper into the essence of Virgo energy and how it can be harnessed during this season.

Since all astrological energies run on a spectrum, we always want to remember to consider the full range. At the lower end of expression potentials, Virgo energy is stereotypically known as the sign of the obsessive organizer, the detail-oriented perfectionist who can never see the forest for the trees. When not at its best, strong Virgo energy absolutely can drive us to a state of analysis-paralysis, incessantly striving to tweak, edit, “improve” to no end. "Service" in the "servant" sense of the word.

Less well known is the myth associated with the Virgo archetype – that of the Vestal Virgins. Considered the “purest humans” in ancient times, they were the “gatekeepers” of divine energy in the temples where they kept the flames continually burning. They were the ones who helped bring order to the chaotic world by teaching others the rules for doing things the Divine way.

Thus one of the single most important identifying factors of high Virgo energy is being of service in a selfless kind of way. Virgo energy at its best is conscientious, motivated towards improving things; ultimately, striving to help others. This is the essence of Virgo energy that my friend tapped into when she started decluttering and organizing her spaces. It's about refining our surroundings, our habits, and ourselves to better serve our goals and the people around us.

So, as we navigate through Virgo Season, let's ask ourselves: How can we use the notion of a Divine Ideal as a bright and inspiring guiding light (rather than an impossibly unattainable perfectionistic goal) to refine our lives, and in so doing, help others grow in similar ways?

Even just in the past week since the Sun first moved into the sign of Virgo, are you noticing the pull towards improvement in your life in some way?

Whether it's decluttering your home, refining your work processes, or simply being more present in your daily interactions, every small step taken in service of others is a celebration of Virgo energy. So, here's to a productive and fulfilling Virgo Season!

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(Photo by John Mark Arnoldon Unsplash)
