Finding Balance: Celebrating the Autumn Equinox, Sept 2023


Mountains in Durango, CO

As the sun dips lower in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape, and the still-warm days start to give way to crisper nights, we find ourselves at the Autumn Equinox. The flowers, in their final bloom, paint the landscape with vivid colors, and the trees embark on their own journey, showcasing a masterpiece of autumn foliage.

This sacred time of year, marked by the Transiting Sun entering Libra, invites us to reflect on balance, harmony, and the shifting seasons both in nature and in ourselves.

The Libra Equinox marks a point of equilibrium, a time when the scales of balance hang delicately. Libra is the sign of partnerships, relationships, and harmony. This is a moment to ponder the balance we seek in our connections with others and within ourselves.

What are you doing to mark the changing season? During this Equinox week, how are you celebrating the Autumn Equinox? Are you giving yourself even a small gift of time to pause and reflect? 
(And even if reading this after Equinox has passed, it’s still valuable to take that time for contemplation as we move deeper into the Fall.)

Reconnection with Others and with Self

One of the most enchanting aspects of the Autumn Equinox, for me, is its ability to bring us deeper into connection with the elements of nature. This year, I had the incredible privilege of rekindling my connection with Earth's energies through an immersive week of practicing yoga and immersing myself in the glories of nature-in-transition. After a three-year hiatus, the opportunity to practice yoga in a supportive community under the guidance of my beloved teacher was a gift I cherished.

Durango, Colorado, provided the perfect backdrop for the Equinox. With its breathtaking landscapes and serene atmosphere, Durango has always held a special place in my heart. The rugged beauty of the mountains and the rush of the Animas River served as a reminder of the natural balance that surrounds us and the role we play in it.

A Simple and Sacred Ritual

As the Equinox day wound down, I found myself drawn to simplicity. In the gift-of-a-find AirBnb casita tucked up in Wildcat Canyon, cozy on a couch with breathtaking views spread before me, I gathered my journal and lit a single candle, creating a space that allowed me to connect with my inner self and the Divine.

It was a sweet and contemplative moment, a time to pause and reflect on the significance of this seasonal shift. I considered the areas of my life where balance is needed, and how I might navigate the shifts with grace and harmony.

In what ways are you striving to find balance, as the window to Summer closes and the window Fall opens?

The Autumn Equinox, with its gentle reminder of balance and transition, beckons us to embrace the changing seasons both in our outer world and our inner landscape. As we navigate the dance between light and darkness, may we all find harmony and inspiration in the journey.

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