Dancing with the Stars: Embracing Fate and Free-Will in Evolutionary Astrology


Woman dancing with the cosmos

The age-old debate between fate and free will has perplexed philosophers, thinkers, and seekers of truth for centuries. It's a complex topic that forces us to ponder whether our lives are predetermined by cosmic forces or if we have the power to shape our destiny. Evolutionary Astrology (EA) offers a unique lens through which to explore the interplay between the stars and human agency.

My Personal Journey

My experience with Evolutionary Astrology, from the get-go, has been one of liberation and freedom. Coming to understand the "larger forces out there" that have certain effects on me totally allowed me to disabuse myself from the notion that I was 100% in charge.

I grew up having learned that "success" is based on the effort you put into things, that willpower is all-powerful, and sheer brute force also sometimes has its place in "making things happen." Correlated with all that, then came the accompanying "I'm not good enough," "it's all my fault," "something is wrong with me" syndrome when things weren't going the way I'd wanted or hoped or planned.

Astrology's Role

Not that all my efforts in my overachieving and "More-better-faster!" daily striving had been in vain (heavy Virgo energy fuels me in this direction, for better or worse)… but just that those efforts weren't the ONLY reason I was either succeeding or failing at whatever endeavor I was engaged in. Coming to understand that I had certain predilections based on the energies mapped on my Birth Chart; that I had certain strengths that came easily and other areas of life that felt incredibly daunting; that I had certain lessons to learn in this lifetime, suddenly felt validating. Learning that my South Node was in Libra 6th House and my North Node in Aries 12th? Hah! It was as if the puzzle pieces of my life suddenly fell into place!

Navigating Life with Ease

I feel that in the years I've been practicing EA, I've learned to navigate life with just that much more ease and grace. With just that much more self-compassion and a fortified ability to laugh at myself more.

Why? Because I've learned to dance with stars! Whether they're in the lead role or I am, it almost doesn't matter, as long as we're partnering in ways that minimize struggle and strife, and maximize flow.

So, who's in charge, really? In the world of Evolutionary Astrology, the answer is beautifully nuanced: we both are!

It's a dance of dynamic planetary energies with inspired, creative human consciousness. Rather than pitting fate against free will, EA invites us to embrace both. It reminds us that the stars may set the stage, but it's our choices, actions, and awareness that determine the choreography of our lives.

By partnering with the cosmos, we can find a harmonious balance between surrendering to fate and wielding the power of our free will. It's a dance worth learning, for in this intricate partnership, we discover the true magic of existence.

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