Embracing Earth's Bounty: Exploring Jupiter in Taurus through Hiking


Picture of Fall Foliage in Lincoln National Forest

In astrology, the planet Jupiter is associated with expansion, growth, and abundance. The zodiac sign of Taurus is linked to the Earth element, known for its stability, sensuality, and connection to the physical world. When Jupiter is in Taurus, it can bring opportunities for growth in areas related to stability, resources, and the sensual pleasures of life.

Recently, in my daily life, I've felt a powerful pull towards the outdoors, immersing myself in the abundant sensual pleasures of the natural world. This connection with nature has grounded me, making me feel more stable and centered.

Last week, during a journey through the southern part of New Mexico, I felt as if I was fully embracing the Earth element while hiking through the Lincoln National Forest. This forest, the original home of Smokey the Bear, bore witness to forest fires that occurred there as recently as 12 years ago, leaving partially scorched patches as a poignant reminder of Smokey's message (which originated over 70 years ago, when he was found as a cub in the 1950 Capitan Gap wildfire).

While hiking through Eagle Creek Canyon, I marveled at the lush fall foliage by the creek, which was like walking through a multicolored kaleidoscope. Occasionally, I glanced up at the burned and barren slopes above.


And it struck me that Smokey the Bear carries a message that deeply resonates with the themes of Jupiter in Taurus. His famous slogan, "Only you can prevent forest fires," speaks to our individual responsibility in preserving and protecting our natural resources, much like Taurus's connection to stability and the physical world. Smokey's message is an invitation to expand our understanding and appreciation of the natural world, to find abundance in the stability and resilience of nature, and to take tangible actions to protect it.

The hike revealed a powerful theme of growth and preservation. The partially scorched patches, stark reminders of past fires, stood alongside thriving, regenerated areas of the forest, symbolizing both the destructive and regenerative powers of nature. This duality struck me as a metaphor for the transformative potential of Jupiter in Taurus: a time to embrace the sensual pleasures of the physical world while taking action to ensure its preservation for future generations.

Over the years, I've found that long forest hikes have unquestionably contributed to my personal growth, the expansion of my horizons, and a deepening of my connection with the Earth. Exploring the Lincoln National Forest was one more blessed opportunity to embrace a sense of abundance and wonder — in perfect alignment with Jupiter in Taurus.

In this unique infusion of astrological insight during one memorable hike last week, the natural world and its beauty became a canvas on which the cosmic energies of Jupiter in Taurus painted a picture of growth, abundance, and a call to protect and cherish our Earth. What a gift to behold!

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