Harnessing the Power of the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse: A Cosmic Opportunity, Oct 14, 2023


The celestial stage is set for an event that promises to be nothing short of spectacular. On Saturday, October 14, 2023, the New Moon graces us with its presence in the harmonious sign of Libra. But this time, there's a celestial twist—it's also conjunct the Sun and the Transiting South Node, indicating the arrival of a Solar Eclipse!

This Annular Eclipse will bless us with a breathtaking sight, with 90% visibility in the Western and Southwestern parts of the U.S. Have you got your NASA-approved eclipse glasses ready? Astronomically, it's a rare and exciting event that deserves our attention.

Solar Eclipses, in general, are profound moments of karmic growth for those of us willing to tap into their energies. During a Solar Eclipse, the universe hands us a new, intriguing piece of our karmic puzzle. It's an invitation to renew a specific area of our Birth Chart, representing a significant aspect of our lives—this time, it's the part of our chart where the sign of Libra resides.

This period is a pivotal time to step back from the chaos and take a moment for introspection. It's a potent and fertile moment for reflection.

Gift yourself the luxury of pause—just a few moments over the weekend. Ask yourself:

  • What signs of fresh beginnings or hints of potential renewal is the Universe unveiling in my life right now?
  • In what ways do I sense that I'm being called to level up, to progress, to evolve? (And don't forget to consider your Birth Chart, especially the area where Libra resides.)
  • What novel opportunities are emerging in terms of my relationships and group dynamics?

And then set your New Moon intention, accordingly!

This Eclipse will occur at the 21st degree of Libra. As always, if you have Natal Planets or Points near this degree in your Birth Chart, you'll feel the Eclipse's energy even more intensely. (If you're unsure about this, consider booking a reading with me to find out!)

For example, let’s say your Natal Moon happens to be at 21 degrees of Libra in the 5th house. Moon in Libra 5th likely could mean that you feel most emotionally nourished, seen, and safe to be vulnerable when you’re enjoying (having fun!!) expressing yourself creatively in a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing way.

The above description is one possibility of a high expression of the energy—on the more secure end of the spectrum. Of course, on the other (more insecure or lower expression) end of the range of energy potentials, if you’ve allowed yourself to fall toward the tendencies of being a people-pleaser, doing everything for everyone else and selfless to a fault, especially at those times or as a result, you probably find yourself overly-moody, overly-dramatic, or maybe even reaching for the opposite extreme: retreating and isolating yourself.

Sticking with the higher end of the spectrum, for you with a 5th House Libra Moon, this particular Solar Eclipse will be affecting your core need for grace, enjoyment of life—especially through a creative outlet—and choosing relationships in light of these priorities. With the potential for a big jump in karmic Soul growth, how exciting that could be! What do you imagine this enhanced creativity and joy could look like in your life?

And for ALL of us—no matter what the 21st degree of Libra looks like on your Chart, this is a potent time of renewal, new beginnings, and soul growth. What will YOU manifest with grace and refinement, balance and harmony at this time?

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