Taurus Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse, Oct 2023


As we approach the Full Moon this weekend, we find ourselves under the influence of the steadfast and sensual Taurus. But this isn't just any Full Moon — it's also a Partial Lunar Eclipse, adding an extra layer of revelation and transformation to this lunar event.

Taurus, an Earth sign ruled by Venus, invites us to ground ourselves, to appreciate the beauty and pleasure in our lives, and to cultivate stability and reliability. During a Full Moon in Taurus, these themes are illuminated, asking us to celebrate our Taurus-related achievements and to let go of what no longer serves us in this area.

But with the Partial Lunar Eclipse, these themes are supercharged. Eclipses are often times of profound transformation and revelation. They can bring hidden things to light, catalyze major shifts, and often mark significant milestones in our lives. And those can be unexpected and permanent.

To give a personal example, the last time we had a Taurus Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse was November 19, 2021. It just so happened to take place within a degree and a half of my Natal Ascendant – in other words, striking a sensitive point on my Birth Chart. For several weeks, I had been negotiating with the yoga studio at which I’d taught for years about a long-overdue and much-needed break… And then – wham! – all of a sudden, I felt absolutely complete with regards to teaching. I felt an inexplicably strong sensation of being DONE with teaching drop-in yoga classes. It felt simultaneously out-of-the-blue and 100% right. (It was a conviction as powerful as the one I’d felt some 20+ years earlier that I wanted to bring Iyengar Yoga to more people in the world through the teaching of it.)

November 19th, 2021 was my last scheduled day to teach before the mini-sabbatical I was supposed to take. But ever since then, when I’ve tuned in and asked myself honestly, “Do I want to return to teaching yoga classes?” the answer continues to come back as no. I feel complete. That particular — wonderfully fulfilling and meaningful — chapter of my life has concluded. (That said, my own practice remains strong and as consistent as ever; yoga will — without question — always be an integral part of my life.)

I offer the above example as a crystal clear illustration of the kind of “major shifts” and “significant milestones” that a Lunar Eclipse touching a sensitive spot on the Birth Chart can have on one’s life.

The impact of this eclipse will vary depending on your individual birth chart. Some of us might experience profound transformations, while others might notice more subtle shifts.

This weekend’s Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse is taking place at 5 degrees of Taurus. Where in your Birth Chart is 5 degrees of Taurus? Which House? Do you have any Angles or Planets within a couple of degrees? (And if you don’t know, feel free to book a Reading with me and we can find out!) If you’re feeling this eclipse's energy strongly, chances are you’ve got something going on in that area of your Birth Chart.

Meanwhile, for all of us, no matter where 5 degrees of Taurus is on the Chart, it’s beneficial to take a moment to reflect.

Think back to the New Moon in Taurus six months ago. Look back to May 19, 2023 (including two days on either side of that date, to include the full lunar energies). Look at your calendar, your photos, social media posts, and ideally your journal/diary if you keep one.

  • What was happening in your life at that time?
  • What themes or situations might be coming to completion or culmination now?
  • And how might the eclipse energy be amplifying these completions?

As we navigate this Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, celebrate your achievements! Release what no longer serves you! Remember, the eclipse energy can help you let go more completely and make space for new beginnings.

And whatever changes this lunation may bring, don’t forget: you have the strength and resilience to navigate them. Trust in the process and in your own inner wisdom.

Wishing you a transformative Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. May you embrace the steadfast energy of Taurus and the transformative power of the eclipse.

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