Embracing Scorpio Season 2023

In my garden courtyard, a wooden sculpture of a meditating woman stands as a daily reminder of the importance of making time for self-reflection and inner exploration. It's a priority I hold dear, ensuring that each day, I dedicate a few moments to sit in silence and reconnect with my inner self. This practice becomes especially profound during Scorpio season, a time in the Wheel of the Year when nature is in transition, days grow shorter, and the invitation to quiet the mind and go inward becomes stronger.

The Call of Silence

As the world outside retreats into a quieter, more contemplative state, it feels more natural to sit in silence. The leaves fall, the air chills, and the natural world undergoes a transformation. Similarly, this season invites us to turn our attention inward and contemplate the changes within ourselves. Those questions about our deeper selves that have quietly whispered to us but were ignored during the hustle and bustle of summer now demand our attention.

Embracing Deep Emotions

In this time of transition, the deep emotions that have long welled up within us, yet were pushed aside, can no longer be ignored. Scorpio season beckons us to invite these emotions to express themselves and to compassionately embrace them. It's a season of acknowledging and releasing what has been buried beneath the surface.

Unearthing the Shadows

One of the most potent aspects of Scorpio season is the opportunity for deep shadow work. Like the autumn leaves falling to the ground, we too can shed the layers that no longer serve us. That nagging notion to unearth what's hidden beneath unresolved issues and unaddressed fears is now more compelling than ever. The energies of the Universe align with our intention to delve into our psychological shadows, helping us to confront, process, and ultimately heal.

The Thin Veil

As we approach the midpoint of Scorpio season, around November 7th when the Transiting Sun reaches 15 degrees of the sign, we find ourselves within a particularly powerful time. It's a week just after Samhain and Dia de los Muertos, when traditions suggest that the veil between the material and spiritual realms is at its thinnest. This thinning of the veil provides a unique opportunity for deeper introspection and spiritual connection.

A Time for Personal Growth

Scorpio season is, in essence, an invitation to explore the hidden aspects of our psyche, acknowledge our fears, and embrace our shadows. It's a time when the cosmic energies align to support our journey into psychological and emotional depths, making it a prime season for self-reflection, personal growth, and transformation.

As we embrace the energies of Scorpio season, it's crucial to make time for self-reflection, personal growth, and transformation. Whether through daily moments of silence, acknowledging and embracing deep emotions, or embarking on a deep-dive into shadow work, this season offers a unique opportunity to connect with the hidden aspects of ourselves and align with the transformative energies of the Universe.

How are you choosing to make time for your own self-discovery and personal growth during this powerful season of Scorpio?

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