The Dark Moon: A Timely Invitation for a Time Out


During this cold and dark month of December, sound healer Adrienne Smith and I offered our monthly New Moon Meditation / Sound Bath two days early. Appropriately, afterwards, a question came up about the Dark Moon. 

A participant asked, “Can you tell us about the Dark Moon? In the lunar cycle, what is it a good time for? I’ve heard it’s a time for releasing… but I thought that was also what we were supposed to do at the Full Moon?”

First and foremost, in the way that I practice astrology, there are no absolute “shoulds” or right/wrongs. 

The best advice I feel I can give—especially without knowing the specifics of your Birth Chart—is for you to try different approaches, activities, rituals that resonate with you and then assess their effects on your life. 

And this is because the Moon affects each of us differently depending on the Planet/Sign/House placements of our unique Birth Charts. For example, if you are Cancer Rising, then the Moon rules your Chart and you’ll likely be relatively more affected than others by the Moon’s phases and transits.

In other words, there’s no “one size fits all” answer.

All that said, since my own Natal Sun is in Cancer, the Moon actually rules my Sun, so I am one of those who are quite sensitive to the Moon… and therefore I’m delighted to delve a bit deeper in response to this question!

The Dark Moon is, of course, that phase of the 28-day lunar cycle that immediately precedes the New Moon. Astrologically, you can consider its energies as strongest up to two days prior to the New Moon.

As the Dark Moon in Sagittarius aligns with the darkest time of the year, we find ourselves at a powerful juncture of cosmic and natural rhythms. December's long nights and the introspective energy of the Dark Moon together create a unique invitation for us to slow down, turn inward, and embrace the stillness that winter and the lunar cycle jointly offer. 

What does 
slowing down, turning inward, and embracing the stillness 
look like for you?

The Longest Nights: A Call for Embracing the Inner Journey

In December, the extended darkness is not just a backdrop but a vital part of our introspective journey. It serves as a reminder of the cycles of nature and our deep connection to them. During this time, the Sagittarian quest for truth and meaning becomes even more poignant. 

As is possible for you and your schedule, when the Sun has set and darkness descends, pause from the active part of your day, perhaps light a candle (rather than turning on all the lights right away), and take a few moments to reflect…

  • How does the stillness and quiet of December's long nights influence my ability to get quiet and more contemplative (and how does that compare to the more active, long days of summer)?
  • What deeper insights emerge when I embrace and honor this period of extended darkness (instead of resisting and “wishing it didn’t get dark so early”)?
  • Darkness can be as much a beloved teacher and healer as the Light! What lessons is this Dark Moon wanting me to learn at this time?

This seasonal darkness, combined with the Dark Moon, encourages a deeper dive into our psyche and inner awareness (much like the 'Savasana of the Lunar Cycle' as a way to think about the Dark Moon that I’ve written about previously). It's a perfect time to consider the lessons of the past lunar cycle as well as the year as a whole.

Integrating and Setting Intentions in the Seasonal Stillness

In this serene and contemplative atmosphere, allow yourself to fully relax and listen to the subtle voice within. This is a potent time to integrate all that you have experienced and learned over the past months. With the Sagittarian influence, aim to discern:

  • What wisdom and insights has this year brought me, especially in the most recent darker months?
  • What intentions and aspirations am I feeling called to set for the new lunar cycle and the upcoming year?

The Dark Moon in December is not just an end but a gateway to new beginnings. It invites us to embrace the darkness, find our inner light, and prepare for the journey ahead with renewed clarity and purpose. Let this be a time of quiet reflection, deep wisdom, and intentional manifesting as we move towards the return of the light.

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