Winter Solstice Wisdom: Suggested Reflections, December 2023

This week, we welcome the Winter Solstice – that point in the Wheel of the Year where daytime is shortest; the longest night of the year. An invitation to follow the rhythms of nature and to get really, really quiet. To pause from all the holiday hubbub and get really, really still. To drop deep within and listen.

Can you find / make the time – even just an hour? – to give yourself the gift of a nourishing pause and do some inward reflection? The energies are inviting us to do so.

The astrological chart for the 2023 Winter Solstice reveals several potent energies that – if we pause to consciously feel, receive, and harness them – can greatly empower us for the start of the new year. There’s A LOT going on; I’m going to highlight the three main areas that are calling our attention… and that can help us embody our best self, if we listen to and heed their messages.

1. Sun-Mercury in Capricorn: Clear-headed review and planning

The transiting Sun entering the sign of Capricorn is what, astrologically speaking, marks the Winter Solstice. This happens on Dec. 21st / 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere (specifically for those of us in U.S. Mountain Time, at 8:27 pm on Thursday, the 21st). This year, that Sun is conjunct Mercury – which means those two planets are sharing or combining energies. Additionally, Mercury happens to be retrograde right now (since December 13th and until January 2, 2024).

What this means is that we have the opportunity for enhanced communication and mental clarity, especially in areas related to structure, discipline, and long-term goals, which are qualities associated with Capricorn. It's an excellent period for reviewing your past year and then setting intentions / making plans for the upcoming year — particularly those that require detailed thinking and more “strategic” planning.

(And always, during Mercury Retrograde periods, it’s a good time to review your communications and daily habits. Ideally, a time of slowing down and rethinking your daily routines as well as a time to “clean up” your past and current communications.)

Therefore, appropriate questions to reflect on include:

  • Based on a clear-headed review of the past year, what long-term goals do I want to focus on in the coming year, and what detailed, strategic steps can I plan now to achieve them?
  • In what ways can I revise my daily routines and habits to better align with my core values and long-term objectives, especially during this Mercury Retrograde period?
  • How can I improve my communication skills? And what past communications might I need to revisit or clarify to ensure clear and effective understanding going forward?

2. Moon-Jupiter in Taurus: Expansion of emotions in a stable, practical way

Simultaneously, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus at the Winter Solstice this year, joining Jupiter — who’s been there for many months and also happens to be retrograde right now. Again, any planet in retrograde means that we “feel more of it.” In this case, that would be more of the Jupitarian expansion, optimism and generosity… but also possibly over-confidence, excess, or extravagance as well, so be aware of those tendencies. (Remember all astrological energies run on a spectrum of higher and lower expressions.)

At its best, the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus brings a sense of emotional expansiveness, comfort, and a focus on material security. The evolutionary potential for us then lies in harnessing our ability to expand emotional horizons while staying grounded in practical reality. It's about finding joy and abundance in the simple, tangible facets of life, re-evaluating personal values, and turning dreams into concrete realities. This period is an invitation to explore emotional and material comfort and security. And to embrace a more fulfilling and grounded sense of abundance.

Appropriate questions to reflect on include:

  • In what ways can I nurture a deeper sense of emotional and material satisfaction in my life, and how can I more fully appreciate and enjoy the resources and abundance I currently have?
  • What truly defines my sense of self-worth and value beyond material success, and how can I align my daily actions and choices with these deeper values?
  • What optimistic (yet still practical) steps can I take to bring my dreams and aspirations into reality – especially those that enhance my sense of stability and joy in the physical and emotional realms?

At this Winter Solstice time, this Moon-Jupiter conjunction is making a trine aspect with the Sun-Mercury conjunction: a harmonious dance of those planetary energies. Thus we have the chance to integrate the disciplined, strategic energies of Sun-Mercury in Capricorn with the nurturing, abundant energies of Moon-Jupiter in Taurus. And the integration of these energies provides beautiful potentials for evolutionary growth.

In other words, we have wonderfully fertile ground for turning structured plans and detailed strategies into tangible, rewarding outcomes. The practical and grounded nature of Capricorn, combined with Taurus's emphasis on stability and enjoyment of life's pleasures, offers a unique opportunity for manifesting long-term goals that not only achieve success but also enhance emotional fulfillment.

The universe is encouraging us to blend ambition with comfort, urging us to find a balance between pursuing our goals with determination and enjoying the sensory, emotional richness of the journey. It's an ideal time for grounding lofty ideas in practical reality, ensuring that our endeavors are both successful and deeply satisfying on a personal level.

So another good question to ponder might be something like…

  • How can I effectively blend my long-term ambitions and strategic planning with my need for emotional fulfillment and stability, to create a balanced and enriching life journey in the year to come?

3. Neptune and Saturn in Pisces: Big boost of spiritual and visionary energy

Finally, the simultaneous presence of Neptune and Saturn in Pisces during the Winter Solstice marks a significant astrological moment, offering a unique blend of spiritual depth and pragmatic discipline.

Neptune, residing in its home sign of Pisces, amplifies our intuition, spirituality, and creativity. This heightened sensitivity can lead us towards greater empathy and a stronger connection with the collective, but it also challenges us to distinguish between reality and illusion.

Saturn in Pisces introduces a grounding influence, inviting us to bring discipline to our spiritual experiences and structure to our inspired insights. This combination with Neptune's dreamy energy presents a special opportunity: to balance our spiritual aspirations with practical realities.

We're being encouraged to integrate our spiritual wisdom into everyday life, creating a harmonious blend of vision and discipline.

This dynamic is further influenced by Neptune’s and Saturn’s respective aspects to the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Capricorn. Neptune's square introduces a creative tension, pushing us to find practical applications for our intuitive insights. Meanwhile, Saturn's sextile supports us in building sustainable structures from these insights, enabling our spiritual growth to have a lasting impact on our lives.

Thus, try reflecting on this:

  • How can I use my intuitive and spiritual insights to inform my practical decisions and long-term plans, creating a life going forward that honors both my visionary dreams and the need for tangible progress?

As we embrace this Winter Solstice, a time of introspection and rebirth, the celestial dance above us offers a profound roadmap for personal and spiritual evolution. The harmonious interplay between Capricorn’s disciplined ambition and Taurus’s nurturing abundance, balanced with the visionary depth of Pisces, invites us to blend our practical realities with our spiritual and emotional insights.

This Solstice, let us take the opportunity to pause and reflect, to realign with our deepest values and aspirations. As the longest night gives way to increasing light, may we carry these reflections into the new year, integrating them into our daily lives to manifest a journey that is as fulfilling and enriching as it is purposeful. Let's remember that the alignment of the stars is not just a celestial event, but a mirror reflecting our own potential for growth, transformation, and the realization of our highest selves.

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