An Astrological Chorus Line: Finding Balance when you have a Stellium in Your Birth Chart


Chorus line of dancers

I recently had a profound session with a client (I’ll call her Mary) who was struggling to make sense of the constant tension she feels within herself. She told me she often feels pulled in different directions, never fully at peace. With my astrological lens, I immediately saw that she had four planets squished tightly together in her Geminian 12th House -- no wonder!

In astrological terms, Mary has a “stellium” in the spiritual and unconscious (12th House) realm of life. In her Birth Chart (her unique “Soul's Map” that it's my job to translate), four planets — her natal Moon, Mars, Uranus and Saturn — are located within close range, inextricably bound to each other. I explained to Mary how this “crowding” of so many different planetary energies concentrated in one area of her Birth Chart naturally creates an ongoing inner tension. The planets can’t act independently; when one moves, it drags the others along with it. The image of a three-legged race (in this case a five-legged race!) comes to mind.

And given the Geminian agenda — energy characterized as quintessentially curious and easily-distractible — it’s no wonder Mary often feels at odds with herself!

Reminding her of the analogy I like to use when talking about the elements of a Birth Chart, a theatrical play -- the planets are the actors, the signs are their scripts or costumes, the houses are the realms of life where the behavior plays out -- I offered that it's as if these four actors (planets) are all vying for center stage. But that's never quite possible because in this case they're essentially joined at the hip. Her lifelong work is to get them to cooperate enough to perform as a coherent chorus line of dancers.

Have you ever felt a similar tension within yourself? 

Perhaps you’ve struggled to understand why certain aspects of your personality seem to be in constant conflict. Like Mary, you might have a unique configuration in your own Birth Chart that influences your life in ways you've not yet fully realized. 

Exploring these celestial influences can lead to profound insights into your inner world and the forces that shape it.

Mary and I discussed the archetypes of the four planets in question. (To grossly simplify here: Moon = emotions, Mars = power, Uranus = rebel, Saturn = taskmaster). Mary reflected that it feels to her that she resonates with her Mars energy the most — that continual urge to passionately start new projects, but then often leaving them unfinished as her focus shifts (i.e. when the energy of one of those other planets pulls in another direction).

The chorus line imagery was helpful: she realized they don’t have to be in a constant struggle with each other. Rather than seeing these different parts of herself as enemies or contradictions, she understood that it’s about integration. When each archetype coordinates, cooperates, and balances with the others, harmony arises. Through the course of our conversation, other helpful images arose: synchronized swimmers, or a crew team rowing down a river in smooth, rhythmic strokes.

Of course, getting all those distinct archetypal energies aligned and always willing to cooperate is not necessarily easy. (Especially with that Geminian agenda of constantly seeking new stimulation!) Certainly there’s not an “instant” solution. Given this configuration in her Natal Chart, we know it’s lifelong work that her higher self wants her to focus on in this lifetime. But with the aha-moment Mary had — an enhanced inner awareness as a result of our session — she is now empowered to be that much more conscious and mindful as she goes about her daily life and reflects on her actions and decisions.

Mary left our session newly committed to finding this integration, the harmony that exists when her inner motivation (Mars), her inner revolutionary (Uranus), her inner coach (Saturn) and her emotions (Moon) work in concert rather than conflict. No small task — but in shedding old perceptions that certain parts of herself were “bad” or “wrong,” she has new hope for inner peace.

As we witness with Mary, the journey through our astrological landscapes is not just about understanding ourselves better; ultimately, it's about transformation. Mary's story is a testament to the power of evolutionary astrology in bringing to light the hidden dynamics of our personalities and guiding us towards a more harmonious, proactive life.

Are you intrigued by how the celestial bodies might be orchestrating your life's symphony? 

Do you feel, as Mary did, that there are untapped aspects of yourself waiting to be understood and harmonized? 

Evolutionary astrology offers a unique lens through which to view not only our struggles but also our potentials. It’s a journey of discovery, alignment, and, ultimately, peace.

It is my profound privilege and pleasure to serve as a humble guide and witness to clients like Mary. Their journeys of self-discovery and cosmic understanding inspire and drive the work I do.

I invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery and cosmic alignment. Whether you are new to astrology or have been exploring it for years, there is always more to uncover. Book a session with me, and let's explore the secrets held within your Birth Chart. Together, we can uncover the celestial harmony that awaits.

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