What is Evolutionary Astrology?


Starry sky with large question mark

When I tell people I’m an evolutionary astrologer, I’m often met with a quizzical look and a response something to the effect of, “I know what astrology is, and I understand the word ‘evolution,’ but what exactly is evolutionary astrology?”

So I thought I’d share here the basic principles of my practice.

First, as a foundation, I’m operating on the assumption of reincarnation – specifically, that each of us has incarnated into this present life for a reason… And primarily that reason is to heal karmic residue from past lives so we can evolve to the next level of consciousness.

Second, as an Evolutionary Astrologer, I look at someone’s Birth Chart and see it as a “map” that their Soul / Higher Self chose for them to navigate in this lifetime, including the pivotal life questions they’re meant to face at any given time.

Further, from this map (the Birth Chart) we can discern two main things: (1) “Where you have come from” – hints, clues, “fingerprints of experience” from past lives, including unresolved wounds or karma from previous lifetimes that are ready to be healed in this life. And simultaneously (2) “Where you have the potential to go” – a roadmap towards that healing. Think of it as your “spiritual GPS” – that if understood and followed with mindfulness, can help you navigate the various roadblocks and detours that 3D human life will inevitably present.

This roadmap isn't just to help us try to avoid life's potholes and pitfalls; it's to help us understand why they're there in the first place, and how navigating them can lead to deeper healing and evolution. It's a journey of self-discovery, where each life challenge is an opportunity to grow and each success a milestone towards the higher self.

Finally, I always make sure to emphasize that your Birth Chart is not a fixed description of you / your personality; rather, those traits are fluid. The potentials of expression run on a spectrum from “lower” to “higher” expressions. And the different points (planets, angles) of your Chart are constantly being stimulated to grow and evolve… to the degree that you’re open and ready to do so. It's up to your free will.

Ultimately, my goal as an Evolutionary Astrologer is to empower the people I work with. To bring them to a clearer understanding of their own soul’s map so that they can make informed decisions aligned with their unique karmic mission in this lifetime.

Clients I've worked with often share transformative experiences from our sessions. They speak of gaining a profound self-awareness, a deeper understanding of their unique traits, and insights into their life experiences, especially the challenging ones. Many have expressed that the confusion and worry about their life's direction, which once clouded their thoughts, has significantly diminished. They describe feeling empowered and clear, equipped now to move forward in life with renewed confidence and purpose.

Just the other day, one person with whom I’ve done several sessions, told me that now...

"there’s almost like a sense of freedom to just live life the way it makes sense to me. It's almost like the Reading gives permission for that. Because it's sort of self empowering in the sense of coming to more understanding of what your actual higher self wants for you. Before the Reading, there was a sense of some confusion that's not there anymore. Having gotten some clarity on how things look, it answered some questions. There's more of a sense of ease, and maybe things I would worry about or wonder about before are not in my brain anymore…”

This kind of transformation isn't just something I witness in my clients; it mirrors my own journey. My deep dive into evolutionary astrology has been a path of personal awakening, and it's incredibly fulfilling to see others embark on similar journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. This is the essence of my practice – guiding people to these moments of profound realization and growth.

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