The Uranian Opposition


Highlight of Uranian Opposition on a Birth Chart

Recently, a conversation with a colleague struggling through a significant, scary life transition reminded me of the profound impact astrological transits can have on our personal growth and self-understanding. While discussing the challenges this person is navigating, I couldn't help but think of the Uranian Opposition. “What does that mean?” they asked, having only a cursory knowledge of astrology.

This astrological event is a period known for its potential to catalyze deep, revolutionary changes in our lives. I asked my colleague their age and when they replied, “I just turned 42,” I realized that indeed, they were in the midst of their Uranian Opposition! With their birth info, we checked their natal chart and confirmed.

“So what does this mean?” they asked with a bit more urgency now.

I emphasized that all transits in astrology have an evolutionary purpose. Meaning that at those times (especially big ones like this), we are faced with certain key questions. And it’s up to our own free will and our level of consciousness to make choices accordingly.

My favorite key question during a Uranian time is, 

“Who would you be without your influences?” 

Followed by the polite request, 

“Would the REAL [insert their name] please step forward?”

The Uranian Opposition marks a time when, in the sky above, the planet Uranus arrives at a position exactly opposite its position in one’s birth chart. Depending on where Uranus is in its orbital cycle around the Sun, this can occur in someone’s life anywhere from their late 30s to early 40s. This pretty much coincides with what we commonly know as the "mid-life crisis" (or the first one, anyway!).

But let’s get beyond the stereotypes of sudden whims (red sports car) and life upheavals (divorce after a 20-year marriage). We don’t even have to characterize it as a “crisis,” necessarily. I prefer to regard this turbulent time of one’s life—that, yes, might still include sudden whims and life upheavals, no doubt (though no red sports cars were involved, my own UO did result in divorce, for example)—as a deeper opportunity for radical self-reinvention and move towards greater authenticity. In fact, it can be a deep time of spiritual questioning. 

And if we lean into that, a time of profoundly meaningful life change. Growth and evolution.

The biography of Carl Gustav Jung, pioneer of depth psychology, offers a striking example of this transformative power. Around the time of his Uranian Opposition, Jung embarked on a daring journey into the depths of his own psyche. The result was the creation of his now famous "Red Book." This period marked a significant departure from his previous work and collaborations, most notably with Sigmund Freud, and led him toward groundbreaking insights that would go on to shape modern psychology. (And also greatly influences the field of evolutionary astrology.)

Jung's experience underscores a universal truth: moments of great upheaval are also opportunities for profound personal growth. That has certainly been my own experience. And it’s the “light at the end of the tunnel” I offered my colleague in our conversation that day.

The Uranian Opposition, with its themes of rebellion, breaking from the past, and growing into genius, invites us to reevaluate what is truly important in our lives. It challenges us to let go of what no longer serves us, to embrace our authentic selves, and to open up to new, sometimes totally unexpected, paths.

For anyone going through their own version of this transit (or any Uranian stimulus for that matter), it’s empowering to remember that the most rewarding journeys often begin with the courage to face the unknown. Embracing the Uranian call to authenticity can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life, marked not by what we leave behind, but by the new worlds we dare to explore.

In sharing these reflections, my aim is not just to demystify a complex astrological event, but to offer hope and inspiration to those who find themselves at one of life's crossroads. Like Jung, we all have the capacity to harness the energy of transformative periods in our lives, turning challenges into opportunities for self-discovery and renewal.

After we parted ways that day, I remembered and later emailed my colleague an inspiring quote—wise counsel—my teacher, evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest, once said regarding any Uranian time in one’s life:

“If you make your stand, if you’re brave, 
if you make the changes in your life to restore YOU to your authentic Self, 
then the Universe creates improbable events that no sane person would ever expect.”

And THAT, to me, makes things much more enticing than scary!

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