Recharging in an Earthship: The Work of Wintering and Growth


Earthship Greenhouse, Taos

On the Taos Plateau, amidst the stark beauty of the high desert, lies a unique community known as Earthship Biotecture. These self-sustaining homes, built from natural and recycled materials, are not just architectural structures but are a profound statement on living harmoniously with the environment. 

As someone with Taurus Rising, I’ve been fascinated for years with the concept… and finally, last week, had the chance to experience living in one.

I had the privilege of spending two days and two nights in one of these Earthships on a solo-retreat. A mini-getaway to reset and recharge after an intense period of work. As it turned out, this experience — set against the backdrop of an unexpected turn in weather — provided me with a unique opportunity to reflect on the cycles of rest, growth, and rejuvenation… both in nature and within myself.

The Work of Wintering

The week before I took off to Taos, as I reviewed the past months' work with a colleague, she shared with me a powerful metaphor: "the work of wintering." I loved how this phrase captures the essence of unseen, yet vital, processes that occur beneath the surface. Much like the flower bulbs I planted last fall, which undergo a period of dormancy before blooming in the spring, there is a profound period of preparation that often goes unnoticed. This period of wintering, of seemingly silent non-activity, is crucial for the eventual emergence of new life and ideas.

As mentioned, my stay in the Earthship coincided with a dramatic shift in weather — blustery winds, rain, and snow made it impossible to spend any significant time outside. Yet, my “confinement” became an unexpected gift. I told my hiking boots they’d get their own mini-vacation; we were staying put. And with nothing but a novel for company, my yoga practice to ground me, and my writing notebook to capture random musings, I found myself engaging in my own work of wintering. In the quiet and solitude, free from the distractions of the outside world, I could turn inward. And I found myself reflecting on the cycles of activity and rest that define both nature and a healthy human life.

Nourishment Among Growth

It felt like I was living in a greenhouse. It felt like I, as a human, was living in the house of all these lush greens. Fig trees, palms, rosemary, geraniums (and so many more) — this was their house that I was a guest in.

The whole experience brought to life another poignant statement shared with my colleague in that conversation the previous week: "It's so nourishing to be among things growing." And there I was. Despite the harsh weather outside, being enveloped in this cozy space inside — where life thrived — was incredibly rejuvenating. It served as a reminder of the resilience of growth and the nourishment that comes from being surrounded by life, even in the most unlikely conditions.

And by the end of my short stay, it had become even more clear to me: this concept of nourishment extends beyond the physical environment. It encompasses the inner growth that can occur when we allow ourselves moments of stillness and reflection. The act of doing "nothing" — simply reading, practicing yoga, and being present — was a deep form of nourishment for my soul, a way to recharge my inner batteries after months of continuous exertion.

Lessons from the Earthship

My brief retreat was a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing the cycles of rest and rejuvenation in our lives. Just as the Earthship sustains itself through the principles of ecological balance, we too can find a deeper sense of well-being by aligning ourselves with the natural cycles of growth and dormancy. The work of wintering, though often invisible, is a vital process that prepares us for the emergence of new life and ideas. Similarly, finding nourishment among growth reminds us of the importance of surrounding ourselves with environments and activities that feed our souls. And for this Taurus Rising, immersion in the beauty of nature fits the bill perfectly.

Now that the month of March has arrived and we’re beginning to anticipate the arrival of spring, I am so grateful for that opportunity to do a little wrapping up of my work of wintering, to nourish the soil of my inner self. I feel renewed and… almost… ready to bloom with new energy and insights in the coming months. Spring Equinox is just two weeks away!

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