Spring Equinox 2024


Sound healing bowls and early tulips

Last night I had the privilege of collaborating with my friend and colleague, the highly skilled sound healer Adrienne Smith, to offer another of our monthly Meditation Sound Baths. This one, in honor of the Spring Equinox. This morning, I’m still resonating with the vibes, and so I feel compelled to write about it.

With these kinds of events, it always feels to me that we as facilitators receive as much of the positive, healing benefits as the participants! I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this work.

As always, first we lead people through a body scan relaxation to transition from the activities of the day into a quiet and calm state of body / mind. From attention on the outer world to a deeply inward focus. From doing to simply being. And from there, the journey begins.

For about 40 minutes, accompanied by an array of Adrienne’s beautiful sound healing instruments—this time including drums, gongs, crystal bowls, and chimes—I guide people through a visualization meditation based on the astrological and seasonal energies at play. The power of the imaginative mind takes each individual on a profound inner journey. Often ideas, inspirations, aha’s arise from the deep reaches of the mind not accessible in our “normal” waking state. Often magic happens. And once we have “returned” to our bodies, in the room, in that present moment, people are invited to jot down notes from their experience.

What’s so enjoyable about these sessions is that each one we do is entirely unique. Of course the astrological energies change day by day, so my storytelling visualization is going to represent that accordingly. And Adrienne selects the instruments to match.

Last night, we embarked on our journey through a dense, dark forest, guided by the echo of the tongue drum, where each step deeper into the embrace of the ancient trees led us to a vast, open ocean, marking a pivotal moment of transition and reflection. Seated on the warm sand, the rhythmic waves – represented by the vibrations emanating from the gongs – encouraged us to clear our personal seaside garden of past seasons' debris, enriching the soil and planting seeds of love, inspiration, and manifestation, all under the serene sounds of crystal bowls.

The astrological energies we worked with this time were the planets Venus (love), Saturn (manifestation), and Neptune (inspiration) — all of which are currently in the sign of Pisces (ocean).

As spring arrives, it beckons us to awaken and clear away winter's remnants. These earliest spring days urge introspection on what needs to be released to foster new growth and the blossoming of fresh dreams within our inner landscape.

I prepared some reflection questions in a handout for participants to take home with them. So I thought I would offer them here, too:

WAKING UP AND CLEARING: Just as Nature is beginning to wake up after the long winter slumber, so are we.

  • Reflecting on your own inner landscape, what is ready now to be cleared away in order for new growth to emerge?
  • How can you “till and aerate” the soil of your being, making space for fresh beginnings and the blossoming of new dreams and endeavors in the coming months?

PREPARING THE SOIL: Just as a beautiful garden flourishes in well-fertilized soil, so does our own life thrive in a mindfully cared-for environment.

  • Reflecting on the “nutrients” your body / mind / spirit currently crave, what changes or additions are necessary to cultivate a rich, fertile environment within yourself that can support the growth of new dreams and aspirations?
  • How can you mindfully tend to your body / mind / spirit to ensure your inner garden is prepared for abundant growth?

PLANNING AND PLANTING: Just as the most luscious gardens are so beautiful because they’ve been thoughtfully designed and tended, we can design our lives with mindfulness and care.

  • Reflecting on the dreams and visions that have been incubating inside of you this winter, what ignites your passion at this moment? What truly sparks your spirit, and what are you ready to commit to nurturing and bringing to fruition?
  • At this time of early spring, we still have space and time for planning before the planting of new seeds. Identify which ideas and aspirations make your heart sing. How can you intentionally sow and cultivate these seeds for future harvest?

This week is the perfect time to reflect and journal on these types of questions. What will emerge for you?

Happy Spring Equinox!

Back to Soul Map Songs.
