Gemini's Call to Wonder: Jupiter's New Adventure


Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter is moving into the sign of Gemini this weekend — are you ready? That planet, which represents the King of the Gods, has been in the sign of Taurus for the past year, asking us to consider how we might be underestimating our capacity for stability, abundance, and true worth.

Now, the question is different. In the sign of Gemini, the agenda becomes one of information-gathering. It’s about wide-eyed wonder, open-minded curiosity, exploration, and actively seeking the broadest variety of learning experiences. However, the flip side of Gemini can sometimes show up as superficiality, excessive mental activity leading to indecision, scatteredness, or even contradiction.

With Jupiter, as my astrology teacher always reminds us, 

the foundational question is always, 

“How might I be underestimating myself?”

So with the new Geminian “flavor,” we can refine the question further to ask ourselves, “How might I be underestimating my ability to ask discerning questions, explore with open curiosity, and gain the widest array possible of stimulating learning experiences?”

And — because we always need to acknowledge the negative tendencies or lower expression potentials of any astrological energy we’re describing — “Looking honestly at myself, how might I be prone to staying on the surface level of things, allowing myself to be scattered and indecisive, and even sometimes self-contradictory?” When Jupiter comes around, it expands whatever it touches. So if we’re already overwhelmed by “too much info,” there’s the potential for it to get much worse when Jupiter’s there.

And where’s the “there” we’re talking about? Where is Gemini in your birth chart? Check and see where Gemini falls (which House) in your chart. Then find it in the list below and take a few minutes to reflect…

1st HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my potential, how might I embrace a spirit of curiosity and exploration in how I present myself to the world and engage with new social opportunities?

2nd HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my financial and material abilities, how might I expand my curiosity and openness towards exploring new ways to enhance my security and personal values?

3rd HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my communication skills, how might I broaden my interactions, exploring diverse perspectives and fostering deeper connections within my immediate environment?

4th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my roots and family history, how might I expand my curiosity about my heritage, seeking a deeper understanding of my emotional foundations?

5th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my creative potential, how might I explore new outlets and forms of self-expression, embracing a playful and adventurous approach to my talents and hobbies?

6th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my daily routines and work habits, how might I expand my methods, exploring new ways to improve my health and productivity?

7th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my relationships, how might I approach my partnerships with a spirit of curiosity and open communication, seeking new ways to enhance them?

8th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my ability to handle deep transformations, how might I delve into the mysteries of life, exploring taboo subjects and deepening my understanding of shared resources?

9th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my quest for knowledge, how might I expand my horizons through travel, higher education, and philosophical exploration, embracing a broader worldview?

10th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my career potential, how might I explore new opportunities and public roles, seeking innovative ways to achieve my ambitions and goals?

11th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my social network, how might I expand my involvement in community activities, exploring diverse group dynamics and collaborative projects?

12th HOUSE: If I did not underestimate my inner world, how might I deepen my spiritual practices and inner explorations, seeking a broader understanding of my subconscious mind and hidden potentials?

And if you’re so inclined, do some journaling. See what insights might come when you allow yourself to be totally honest with yourself. How might you have underestimated your own curiosity and intellectual capacities in this arena of life, up until now? And what might it look like if you stopped underestimating yourself and started embracing your full potential?

Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25, 2024 (US time zones). See if it feels right to set an intention for yourself for the next twelve months to NOT underestimate yourself in this area any longer.

Let’s seize the day! Seize the year! We have until June 9, 2025 (when Jupiter leaves Gemini), to practice!

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