Summer Solstice 2024: Feeling, Healing, and Spiritual Connection


Cancer Crab with Sun, Venus, Mercury, Neptune

Happy Summer Solstice!

On the cusp of Cancer Season, I love the synchronicity of my being on the East Coast this exact week (and literally in the state famous for the crustacean after which this astrological season is named: “Maryland is for Crabs!”) for family-related events. We’re celebrating the graduation of my youngest niece, and I’ve been doing on-site research (in Virginia) for my Family History project. The astrological sign of Cancer, known for its emphasis on family, feelings, and healing, makes it feel so empowering to align my daily life on the ground with the astrological energies swirling above us in the cosmos.

The Cancerian archetype is that of the Great Mother—whether that be Mother Mary, Guanyin, Isis, or Demeter. The Great Mother loves us, accepts us for who we are, and comforts us. Thus, the invitation at this time of year is to feel and heal—ideally, in the loving presence of your soul family, where you feel 100% safe.

This year, the transiting Sun is conjunct both Venus and Mercury in Cancer and is also in a square aspect to Neptune. So we’ve definitely got a lot of Love energy to immerse ourselves in!

Significant astronomical times—like solstices and equinoxes—are, from an evolutionary astrology perspective, times of new beginnings, making us (and the reality around us) particularly impressionable. We have the ability to make conscious choices that can help us in our daily lives. The intentions we set can have very potent effects.

So it’s an opportune time to reflect on questions such as:

  • During this season, how might I allow myself to feel my feelings more openly and honestly than usual?
    • What circumstances can I create for myself to allow for a sense of safety so that I can be vulnerable?
  • What practices help me feel more grounded and centered?
    • How might I bring more of those activities into my life these days?
  • Who is my true soul family? Who nurtures me? With which people in my life do I feel truly nourished—on a deep, emotional level—when we’re together?
    • How might I prioritize spending more time with them these days?
  • When I’m feeling truly seen and heard, emotionally nourished and safe, what are the ways that I can then authentically nurture others?
    • Am I someone that others feel safe and seen and emotionally nourished by? How could I be even better at that?

Simultaneous with the Sun moving into the sign of Cancer, Neptune is currently at 29 degrees of Pisces—the very last degree of the zodiac. And will be stationing Retrograde (meaning a firehose of even more Neptunian energy!) on July 2nd. This planet of spirituality and healing has been in Pisces since 2011/2012. Astrologers agree that this period has been a time of spiritual awakening or renaissance. 

It's a beautiful time to think back to who you were 12 or 13 years ago, and reflect:

  • What spiritual practice(s) have I started or deepened in my life since 2011/2012?
  • Even if I’m not yet “enlightened,” what spiritual wisdom can I recognize in myself that I have now, that I didn’t have back then?

Accept yourself for whatever stage you’re at in your spiritual practices and love yourself for it! Acknowledge and celebrate the gifts that have come into your life because of it!

And then go back to whoever most nourishes you, and get another hug!

Happy Cancer Season!

Back to Soul Map Songs.
