Bold Intentions: Navigating the New Moon in Leo


Leo Lion with New Moon

The New Moon in Leo this month offers a powerful opportunity to plant new seeds of inspiration and intention. As we embark on this new lunar cycle, it’s helpful to understand how these energies influence our unique birth charts and how we can harness them to manifest our heart’s desires.

Leo’s Energy: Expressing the Heart’s Desires

Leo, the sign of the Lion, invites us to express our deepest desires with passion and authenticity. From an evolutionary astrology perspective, Leo challenges us to cultivate the courage to be vulnerable, allowing us to connect with others on a profound level. This energy isn’t about mere performance; it’s about genuine expression that comes from the heart. A wide open and vulnerable heart.

True Leo energy teaches us that soul satisfaction and an adoring audience come from expressing our full, vulnerable selves, not just putting on a show. This New Moon encourages us to embrace this lesson and reflect on how we can embody the courageous and generous spirit of Leo.

Higher and Lower Expression Potentials

Leo’s energy can manifest in both secure and insecure ways. When expressed healthily, Leo brings a lust for life, enthusiastic self-expression, and a big-hearted nature. It’s about being generous and vulnerable simultaneously. But on the other end of the spectrum of potentials, when expressed from an insecure place, Leo energy can become prideful, arrogant, and overly dramatic, focusing only on superficial interactions.

By mindfully harnessing the powerful energies of this New Moon, we can boldly and exuberantly plant new seeds of intention that invite the courage to be vulnerable.

So how do we do that?

Leo in Your Birth Chart: Focused Intentions

The area of your life where Leo falls in your birth chart is where the New Moon is asking you to focus your intentions. Where is the sign of Leo in your birth chart? (If you’re unsure where Leo falls in your chart, consider scheduling a reading with me -- click HERE!)

Here’s a guide for your reflections, accordingly:

1st House (Self-Identity): How can I better express myself more bravely and authentically in social situations?

2nd House (Self-worth, Values): How can I better align my true self-expression with my values and healthy sense of self-worth?

3rd House (Communication): In what ways can I express my thoughts and ideas more courageously and authentically?

4th House (Home and Private Life): How can I honor my core emotional needs and express myself authentically in my private life?

5th House (Creativity and Passion): What steps can I take to express my passions more authentically and vulnerably?

6th House (Work and Health): How can I bring more authentic self-expression into my daily work and health routines?

7th House (Relationships): How can I show up more authentically and courageously in my partnerships?

8th House (Transformation): What fears do I need to confront to express myself more authentically in transformative situations?

9th House (Beliefs and Philosophy): How can I express my beliefs and philosophies in a more genuine and courageous way?

10th House (Career and Public Life): How can I bring more authenticity and bravery into my career and public life?

11th House (Social Networks and Aspirations): How can I express my big picture ideals and aspirations more courageously within my communities?

12th House (Spirituality): How can I boldly deepen my spiritual practice in a way that’s authentic to my true self?

Setting Your Intentions

As you reflect on these questions, see what heart-centered intentions arise for you at this time of the New Moon in Leo. Consider how you can embody the courageous, generous, and heart-aligned energy of Leo in the area of your life highlighted by Leo in your birth chart.

Imagine a World of Authentic Expression

I’m envisioning a world where more people courageously open their hearts to authentic self-expression. I’m imagining the profound connections we would create, the generosity and vulnerability we would share, and the incredible beauty that would blossom in our lives. Ohhh, what a beautiful world that would be! The more of us who do this simple, conscious work, the closer and closer we’ll get to its manifestation…

And this is the invitation of the New Moon in Leo—to step into our true selves, to roar with the authenticity of the Lion, and to inspire others to do the same. Let’s make this vision a reality, starting with our own hearts and lives.

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