New Moon in Virgo and Pluto’s Final Return to Capricorn, September 2024


Vestal Virgins with Phoenix Rising

Tomorrow brings two significant astrological events: a New Moon in Virgo, coupled with Pluto's final retrograde re-entry into Capricorn.

This moment is a potent blend of energies, urging us to set new intentions while also preparing for profound transformations. The New Moon in Virgo marks the start of a fresh lunar cycle—a time to plant seeds for what you wish to grow in your life. At the same time, Pluto, the planet of deep transformation and rebirth, is moving back into Capricorn for the last time in this cycle.

Where is Virgo in your Birth Chart? In what area of life do you tend to strive toward an ideal?

Virgo energy is often misunderstood. It's commonly labeled as the sign of the perfectionist, endlessly tweaking and refining, sometimes missing the bigger picture. It's true that strong Virgo energy can lead to “analysis paralysis,” where we get stuck in overthinking and striving for unattainable standards! (Trust me, I’ve been there with my own strong Virgo placements!) But, like all zodiac signs, Virgo has a higher potential we can choose to embrace. In its best expression, Virgo energy is about being of service—practical, attentive, and always aiming to help others in meaningful ways.

What many people don’t know is that Virgo's archetype is also linked to the myth of the Vestal Virgins. These ancient priestesses were considered the purest of humans, keeping the sacred flame alive in their temples. They were dedicated to maintaining order in a chaotic world by teaching rituals and practices that connected people with the Divine. Through them, others learned how to align with a higher order and bring a sense of divine perfection into their lives.

As we all have Virgo somewhere in our birth charts (and thus within our psyche), a powerful question to consider during this New Moon is: How can I use the idea of a Divine Ideal to guide and inspire me, rather than feeling pressured by perfection? How can this perspective help me refine my own life and support others in their growth?

Here’s a quick guide to help you reflect based on Virgo’s placement (with the Pluto-in-Capricorn energy in the background):

(1st House: Self-identity, "Me") 
How might I refine the way I present myself to align more closely with my true essence, allowing me to better serve others and embrace necessary changes? 

(2nd House: Values and possessions)
How can I refine my values to be more aligned with serving others while letting go of old attachments that no longer serve me? 

(3rd House: Communication and local environment)
How can I refine my thoughts and communication to be more helpful and constructive, while releasing outdated ways of thinking?

(4th House: Home and emotional foundation) 
How might refining my personal life and meeting my core emotional needs better enable me to serve both myself and others, while letting go of past emotional patterns? 

(5th House: Creativity and self-expression)
How can I refine my creative expression to align with my passions and serve the world joyfully, while shedding outdated ways of self-expression?

(6th House: Daily routines and health)
How might refining the practical aspects of my daily life help me feel more organized and able to serve others effectively, while clearing out old habits that hold me back? 

(7th House: Relationships and partnerships)
How can I refine my perception of others, especially in one-on-one relationships, to better serve both them and myself, while letting go of relationship dynamics that are no longer healthy?

(8th House: Transformation and shared resources)
How might I refine my reactions to challenges and transformations to better serve from a place of depth and authenticity, while releasing fears or attachments that hinder growth?

(9th House: Beliefs and higher learning)
How can I refine my beliefs and philosophies to share wisdom that truly serves others, while letting go of limiting beliefs?

(10th House: Career and public life)
How might refining my career path or public presence help me serve others more effectively, while stepping away from outdated professional roles or reputations?

(11th House: Community and ideals)
How can I refine my vision for the future to best serve my community and align with shared ideals, while letting go of group dynamics or goals that no longer resonate?

(12th House: Spirituality and the subconscious)
How might refining my understanding of a Divine Ideal help me surrender to a higher purpose and serve where I’m most needed, while releasing subconscious fears or patterns?

Where is Capricorn in your Chart, and how is it receiving Pluto this final time?

Now, consider where Pluto in Capricorn is transiting in your chart, particularly if it’s affecting the late degrees of the Cardinal signs. Over the next 2+ months, we are in a period of final release—a profound opportunity to let go of the old structures and beliefs that have shaped us but are no longer beneficial. This phase is a crucial time for shedding what doesn’t serve us and preparing for the transformative energy of Aquarius, which promises innovation, freedom, and a fresh collective vision.

On November 19th/20th, Pluto will conclude its journey through Capricorn, officially entering Aquarius for good. This shift will usher in a new era lasting for the next 20 years. Pluto's final transit through Capricorn represents the "last hurrah" of old structures and systems—both societal and personal—that are ready to be dismantled. This period is about making way for new, innovative ways of being and thinking.

On a personal level, Pluto's return to Capricorn is an invitation to complete a cycle of growth, face what still needs transformation, and let go of anything that no longer serves us. This is particularly impactful for those with planets or significant placements in the late degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

Reflect on both your Virgo and Capricorn placements to identify where you might set intentions and what you’re ready to release during this powerful astrological moment. This dual focus allows for a more comprehensive approach: setting clear, service-oriented goals while simultaneously letting go of outdated patterns, structures, or habits that no longer align with your highest good.

What intentions will you set at this time? What are you ready to release as Pluto makes its final sweep through Capricorn?

If you’re interested in exploring the dynamics of Virgo energy and Pluto-in-Capricorn more deeply, or if you’d like to understand how these energies are currently playing out in your life, feel free to reach out! It is my humble honor to help guide you through these transformative times.

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