At the end of our Guided Meditation Sound Bath last night, one of the participants asked an excellent question: “What’s the difference between setting intentions at a New Moon Solar Eclipse vs. at other times?”
In the moment, I responded by sharing that while every New Moon is a potent time to set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle, a New Moon that coincides with an eclipse is even more powerful! (I was tempted to say it’s like a “New Moon on steroids,” but I went with a more measured explanation.)
Eclipses represent much longer-lasting, sometimes permanent shifts. They differ from the monthly New Moons because their energy can linger for about six months, until the next eclipse season.
But this question is worth exploring in greater depth, so I thought I’d flesh out the concept here for an even wider audience!
The Power of the Eclipse
So, what makes an eclipse so significant?
While a regular New Moon opens the door for setting intentions and planting seeds for the next 28 days, a New Moon that occurs during an eclipse acts like a cosmic reset button. Eclipses are known for shaking things up on a much larger scale. Where a typical New Moon encourages us to focus on immediate goals, an eclipse asks us to think bigger, aligning with deeper, long-term changes.
Eclipses can illuminate areas of our lives that are ready for transformation, often more dramatically than we expect. They reveal what has been hidden or unaddressed, sometimes forcing us into new territory. If you’ve been feeling stuck or unsure of your direction, this is the moment to clear the fog and trust that the universe is guiding you forward, even if the path is a bit unexpected.
A Lasting Impact
Another key difference is that while a regular New Moon guides us through a month-long cycle, an eclipse has a much longer reach. Its energy stretches out across the next six months. This means that intentions set during an eclipse aren’t just for short-term goals; they’re for major life themes that will unfold over time.
Eclipses are known for catalyzing lasting changes. It’s not uncommon for the shifts initiated during an eclipse to permanently alter your path or perspective. So, when you’re setting intentions during an eclipse, think about what in your life is ready for a significant upgrade.
What’s no longer serving you, and what new direction do you feel called toward?
Bringing It All Together
Whether you were part of last night’s meditation, or if you’re simply looking for an extra powerful moment to set your intentions, take a little time to reflect on what major shifts you want to see in your life over the coming months.
The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse is an especially powerful time to align with themes of balance, relationships, and harmony.
How can you invite more of these energies into your life, while letting go of what no longer serves?
May this eclipse season inspire you to step boldly into the next chapter of your journey!
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