Hop on! High-speed train ride: Jupiter in Aries, December 2022 - May 2023

In my last Blog piece of just a few days ago, I asked if any of you out there were, like me, already starting to feel a particularly action-oriented burst of optimistic energy that comes with Jupiter at its best and on the threshold of Aries. An ebullient “More please!” (and I’m NOT talking about the egg nog!) response to life.

Well, fasten your seat belt, this bullet train has departed!

Let’s break down what this means—the Planet of Jupiter Transiting through the Sign of Aries in the skies above. The trip starts today, Dec. 21, 2022 (at least here in US Mountain Time), and travels express, straight through until May 17, 2023 when the largest Planet in our Solar System arrives in Taurus.

  • Jupiter: The Planet named after the Roman King of the Gods, wise and generous, at best; overly extravagant and indulgent at worst. At the high end of the spectrum of potentials, this energy expresses itself as one who can never seem to get enough of this amazing thing called life. With each area Jupiter traverses (on the Birth Chart, which House, correlating to which area of human behavior), there’s an expansion that comes… for better or for worse. There’s an incredible growth potential, especially when that area of your life is in good shape… OR, if more at the lower end of the spectrum, there’s the potential for an excess of whatever negative energies currently have the upper hand in that area of your life.

  • Aries: As the first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries energy is immediate, unfiltered, raw; it is the spark of life force energy itself. What Aries energy is trying to teach us is courage—that “I’ll show you” kind of self-reliance and independence. It’s what infuses us with the motivation to not only survive scary and seemingly impossible experiences, but to thrive and come out on the other side absolutely exhilarated. And yes, on the lower end of the spectrum, this fiery energy can show a shadow side that looks like impulsiveness, excessive competitiveness, and aggression. It is the Sign of the Warrior, after all.

Putting the two together, it’s probably not hard to see some incredibly exciting potentials for explosive Soul growth… that is, if we’ve done the inner work that prepares us for that next level up. Of course, inner work is never “done;” we’re always in the midst of an ongoing evolutionary process. The caution here is against an overly-optimistic, unrealistic ambition and over-the-top extravagance.

For the healthiest expression of Jupiter in Aries, we need discernment. We need to draw from wisdom gained through honest examination of our life. The Aries spark can ignite the Jupiterian intuition, imagination, and inspiration to see how life could be even better… and better NOT in the “if only...” (“woe is me”) sense, but better because we, as that confident, independent, fearless self, has proactively decided, with discriminative judgment, to “seize the day!” and to bravely go for it.

Take some time -- the results could be profound -- during this time of the Jupiter-in-Aries “train ride” to reflect on questions such as:

  • In what ways have I possibly underestimated myself in my life?

  • How might I harness the current energies of courageous expansion and willingness to take risks, in order to claim something bigger for myself?

  • If I were to take this opportunity to “seize the day” and make a bold, assertive move to improve my life in a significant way, what might that look like? Is it REALLY what I want?

Of course, to get even more specific to your own life and potentials, we can look at where Aries falls in your Birth Chart: Are we talking about making bold moves in terms of career/public life (if Aries falls in your 10th House), or bold moves in terms of 1:1/partnership relationships (if Aries falls in your 7th House)? Just to name two examples.

If you’d like to dive deeper, sign up for a Reading with me, and we can explore that… along with other questions you might have. This blessed practice of Evolutionary Astrology does not purport to give singular answers or prescriptive solutions, but can offer tremendously helpful insights into how each one of us can use our free will to make decisions and take actions that are aligned with our Soul’s purpose. Something, I daresay, that activated King of the Gods would wholeheartedly support.

Back to Soul Map Songs.
