New Moon (and Mercury, and Jupiter) in Aries, March 2023

New Moon in Aries, March 2023

Wherever Aries falls in your Birth Chart is the area of your life where, at your best, you are fearless, fiery, and willing to take risks. It’s where the courageous warrior spirit motivates your mindset and actions. Where you’ll always find the “extra reserves of energy” to draw upon during daunting and challenging times, so that you can valiantly “fight the battle” — whether that be a confrontation with others in your current 3D life experience, or bravely facing the inner demons who need to be put to rest once and for all. The realm where Aries energy resides in you is where you are happiest when you’re confidently being your independent self.

And of course, because everything in Astrology also has a shadow side, simultaneously this is the arena where you may find all that “I am unstoppable!”, go-go-go energy leading to burnout. Where your behaviors might be too impulsive, too aggressive, too competitive. The Sign of the Warrior carries a double-edged sword.

At this time of the Spring Equinox 2023 and the New Moon, the Planet of Jupiter also happens to be transiting Aries (learn more about that HERE), along with Mercury. Since Jupiter lends an energy of expansion and Mercury is all about communication, we get extra boosts of manifesting potentials when we set our New Moon intentions with clarity this month!

If you know where Aries falls in your Birth Chart, find it in the list below, and carve out time to quieten your inner warrior and reflect. (And if you don’t know which House you have Aries in, click HERE to book a Reading and find out!)

1st HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate confidence to be my independent self as I show up in the world and still interact in social situations—without bulldozing others?

2nd HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self when it comes to my sense of self worth and/or my work ethic?

3rd HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self as I gather and process information, and communicate with those in “my little corner of the world”?

4th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self in my private life, home and comfort zone?

5th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self with regards to my creativity and self-expression?

6th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self in the area of my daily routines and responsibilities?

7th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self in relation to my partner / best friend / significant 1:1 relationships?

8th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self when facing what triggers, tests, and ultimately transforms me?

9th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self with regards to my philosophies and wisdom?

10th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self in the realm of my public life, career, and reputation?

11th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self in relation to my social group and friendships?

12th HOUSE: In what ways might I cultivate more confidence to be my independent self in the realm of my Spiritual life?

Having reflected on the Aries energy in your life, then determine which battles you want to “fight” for your evolutionary growth, and which are best put to rest. Set your Aries New Moon intentions accordingly.

Back to Soul Map Songs.
