Solar Eclipse in Aries, April 2023


Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, April 2023

This week’s New Moon (April 19 or 20, 2023 depending where in the world you are) will be the second one in a row in the Sign of Aries (read about Aries energies here)… And this time, will also be Conjunct the Sun and the Transiting North Node. Which means only one thing: Solar Eclipse!

Astronomically, this one happens to be a rare Hybrid Eclipse (unfortunately not visible to those of us here in the U.S.). Astrologically, it’s quite a significant one as well. For one thing, we’ve still got all those other orbiting bodies traveling through Aries at the same time (Jupiter, Chiron, Vesta, Eris) – each one adding its distinctive fuel to the Aries fire.

Needless to say, it’s a super-charged time! (And let’s acknowledge, some of us have definitely been feeling that already, in recent weeks!)

Solar eclipses in general are times of karmic Soul growth, especially for those of us open to harnessing the energies. At the time of a Solar Eclipse, we are presented with a new, exciting, karmic “puzzle piece” of awareness. We are being invited to renew that area of our Birth Chart (i.e., our life) where the eclipse is taking place. In this case, in whichever House the Sign of Aries is placed.

Therefore, it’s an extremely important time to consciously step away from all the hubbub. It’s an extremely potent and fruitful time to pause and reflect.

Give yourself the gift of pause – even for just a few quiet moments this week – and ask yourself:

  • What harbingers of new beginnings or hints of possible renewals in my life is the Universe presenting me with at this time?

  • In what ways do I recognize that I’m being invited to level up, advance, improve? (And looking at my Birth Chart, specifically in that area where the Sign of Aries is placed.)

  • What new opportunities are arising… even if they appear to me now as daunting or ridiculously challenging? Opportunities that—after really tuning in, deeply, to my inner wisdom—I can envision myself mustering up the confidence to courageously seize?

And then set your New Moon intention, accordingly!

The Eclipse is taking place at the 29th degree of Aries. As always, you will feel the impact of this Eclipse energy even more strongly if you have any Natal Planets or Points at late degrees Aries or right on the cusp of Taurus. (If you don’t know if that’s true for you, book a Reading with me and find out!)

For example, let’s say your Natal Moon happens to be at 29 degrees of Aries in the 9th house. Moon in Aries 9th likely could mean that you feel most emotionally nourished when you’re bravely adventuring to new territories. This could be in the literal sense, through travel to far-flung places. Or, could be in terms of philosophies and beliefs—through exploration of Life’s Big Questions. Either way, your motivation is perhaps characterized by an enthusiasm to search for your own Personal Truth.

The above description is one possibility of a high expression of the energy—on the more secure end of the spectrum. Of course, on the other (more insecure or lower expression) end of the range of energy potentials, if you’re more of the type who represses your emotions and chooses to protect or hide your vulnerability, a 9th House Aries Moon could show up as a self-centeredness around your own beliefs (in which case you probably wouldn’t be interested in reading this article anyway!).

Sticking with the higher end of the spectrum, for you with a 9th House Aries Moon, this particular Solar Eclipse will be affecting your core need to be #1 out there in a visible way. With the potential for a big jump in karmic Soul growth, how exciting that could be! What do you imagine it could look like in your life?

One more example: let’s say your birthday is right around now – some time this week. Birthdays are always times of renewal — especially when we take time to reflect on the previous year’s lessons and growth areas. This year, if this Aries New Moon / Solar Eclipse is within one or two degrees of your Natal Sun, it is time to open yourself to accepting the gifts that the Universe is presenting to you. You just need to stop long enough and listen. Receive. What a powerful birthday gift this could be!

What exciting new “Aha!” has come into your awareness recently, particularly with regards to your main identity—who you consciously know yourself to be? (Pay especially close attention this week and in the coming months.) For example, if your Natal Sun is in the 2nd House, it will be related to your sense of self-worth, your values, your work ethic.

Will you confidently and fearlessly seize the day and accept the Universe’s invitation to upgrade yourself? To shine even more brightly in this world… even if that turns out to be in an entirely new way than ever before?

And for ALL of us—no matter what the 29th degree of Aries looks like on your Chart, this is such a thrilling time of renewal, growth, and new beginnings. What will YOU manifest with self-assuredness and maybe even a touch of audacity? Now is the time!

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