Expanding Oak Tree: Jupiter in Taurus, May 2023

Jupiter in Taurus

Who else out there is ready for a little REST?! After five months of our intense, action-packed ride of Jupiter’s turbo express transit through the Sign of Aries, this turn now (as of today, May 16, 2023) to slow down, with an agenda of peacefulness and calm, is most welcome! At least it is in my book.

Whew!! Back in mid-December, I had already been feeling the surge of momentum leading up to Jupiter’s entry into Aries as I wrote about then (“Hop on! High-speed train ride…”). Anticipating the inexhaustible, fiery Aries energy, I buckled up and hung on for the ride… And am deeply grateful to have thus been poised to harness the energies of courageous expansion and willing risk-taking… like putting myself out there in ways I had never done before—my release of two original songs, ratcheting up my business to the next level… just to name a few thrilling examples!

Now, I am definitely ready for extended exhalations. For some earthing. A bit more groundedness in peace and calm. Simplicity. So ready to say hello to an abundance of serenity as I pause and notice the inherent beauty of life all around me… even as I keep on steadfastly building on those earlier initiatives.

Slow and steady growth, like that of an ancient oak tree. This is the Taurean agenda.

Since Jupiter is all about expansion, we can hold optimistic expectations for more stability, for more patience, prosperity, and—commensurate with how calm and grounded we really are—more opportunities to enjoy the infinite small pleasures of life that tuning into our five senses invites in.

Of course, all of these potentials comprise the “positive” end of the spectrum. There’s an equal probability of a blowing up of Taurean tendencies in the opposite direction: enjoyment of the senses swelling into indulgence. Patience with “how things are” turning into a resistance to change or new input. Stability shifting into stubbornness.

The key is awareness. What are your tendencies?

In particular, your tendencies in that area of your life where Taurus energy presents, i.e., which House of your Birth Chart. (Of course, it also matters what else is going on in Taurus for you at this time—especially with Uranus still very much a strong player—but that’s a whole other topic for another time…)

As always, in Evolutionary Astrology, we remind ourselves that nothing is “fated.” We operate with our free will. Yes, the energies out there influence us, but we make decisions—ideally, mindful and informed decisions—and direct our lives accordingly, based on our level of consciousness.

How do you want to manifest Jupiter in Taurus for your life in the coming year? It’s your choice.

Back to Soul Map Songs.
