Art in Nature = Jupiter in Taurus

When I first wrote about Jupiter in Taurus a little over a month ago, it was when that largest planet in our solar system had just moved into the Zodiac Sign associated with earthy abundance and beauty (among other qualities). Ever since then, following that astrological theme, I’ve been contemplating the question, “What would it look like in my daily life if I were to pause on a regular basis and truly take in—in an all-embracing way—the inherent beauty of life around me?”

And let me ask, also, What would that look like for you?

At this point, the week after Summer Solstice, I’m thrilled to report that not only have I been making it a point to prioritize time out in nature more than ever—and as a result, thoroughly enjoying the vibrant full bloom of summer flowers and greenery all around… just this morning, I was struck by the realization of how my summer plans “just so happen” to be shaping up to provide me with the most beautiful experiences of Jupiter-in-Taurus energies!

Looking at my calendar for July and August, I suddenly said to myself, “Hang on, there’s a theme here! Art and Nature = Jupiter in Taurus!”

I’ve got trips planned for this summer that include visits to Walter de Maria’s Lightning Field, to the Storm King Art Center, and to a third that’s still in the works, as it’s not easily accessible. (BTW: Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty, quintessential example of Land Art pictured here, is not included in my plans thus far.) I did not pre-plan it so they would all come together in one summer like this. But all three have been on my “art bucket list” for years, and suddenly they’re all falling into my calendar like perfectly aligned puzzle pieces. Wow! Synchronicity? Or Jupiter in Taurus energies helping things to manifest?

What do I mean by that? 

The above-mentioned experiences are meant to bring together artistic expression and the natural landscape. Whether it’s Land Art or Environmental Art—our focus is brought to the nature around us as it interfaces with the human artistic hand; we confront existential questions worthy of contemplation; and we’re invited to revel in the exploration of materiality on a grand scale. 

Nature through the filter of art (Taurus) on a grand scale (Jupiter)... where the rational, thinking mind recedes into the background and our five senses, full-body immersion (Taurus) and intuition can be foregrounded—inspiration, ideally, ignited (Jupiter).

I just love it when, as I’m going about my daily life, exercising my free will and making choices and plans about how to spend the hours, days, weeks, months, the current year, etc. and out of the blue, something tells me to pause. To back up and get an overall, birds-eye view. And then slaps me upside the head with the cognizance of such beautiful poetic alignment with the astrological energies out there right now!

First stop, Lightning Field this week! Photographs are apparently not allowed, per artist’s wishes. But I will be excited to share about the experience through my words, at least, upon my return! Stay tuned!

Back to Soul Map Songs.
