New Moon in Gemini, June 2023


When the Sun moved into Gemini just under a month ago, I found myself explaining Gemini energy to a client whose North Node is there—in that sign representing the open mind of endless curiosity. It turned into a short Blog article with examples of how Gemini shows up in certain Houses of the Birth Chart. (Read more on that HERE.)

Now, just a few days before the Sun moves into the next sign of Cancer at the Summer Solstice coming up next week, the Moon is moving to join it in Gemini. When the Sun and the Moon are conjunct, that’s what we call the New Moon. What’s the difference between the energies of these two luminaries?

If the Transiting Sun brings a bright spotlight to highlight that area (Sign and House) of your Birth Chart, the Transiting Moon brings more emotional awareness to it. And with the Moon in its New phase, it’s all about tuning into those emotions and consciously embarking on new beginnings. And setting an appropriate intention.

So we’re still considering the Sign of Gemini here. The characteristics—on the positive end of the spectrum—of wide-eyed wonder, open-minded curiosity, exploration, and actively seeking the broadest variety of learning experiences in the area of… (fill in with the appropriate House on your Chart).

At the opposite end of the spectrum, the more unhealthy or insecure tendencies of Gemini may show up as superficiality, excessive mental activity leading to indecision, scatteredness, even contradiction. Again, this is within the context of whichever set of behaviors happens to be spotlighted for you (e.g., in your private home life vs. your public life/reputation, etc) at this time.

At this particular New Moon, we’ve also got some other interesting things going on with the other planets out there… including, for example, Mercury also in Gemini—the sign it Rules: you can think of this energetic extra-boost as somewhat akin to a double-espresso. Mars and Venus are also conjunct in the sign of Leo, which can lend added boosts to creativity. Not to digress—but just to add in that extra flair as inspiration for you to set your New Moon intention. You’ve got lots of support out there!

If you know which House Gemini falls in your Chart, find it below, and use the suggested question to reflect on that realm of your life:

1st HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in terms of how I show up in the world and interact in social situations, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

2nd HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in the area of my finances and sense of self worth, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

3rd HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences as I gather and process information, and communicate with those in “my little corner of the world,” in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

4th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in my private life, home and comfort zone, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

5th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in the realm of creativity and self-expression, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

6th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in my daily routines and responsibilities, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

7th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in terms of how I relate to my partner / best friend / significant 1:1 relationships, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

8th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences when facing that which triggers and tests me—ultimately leading to transformation—in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

9th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences through mind-expanding travel and/or regarding my philosophies and wisdom, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

10th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in the realm of my public life, career, and reputation, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

11th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in the realm of my social group and network of friends/allies, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

12th HOUSE: As I seek the broadest variety of learning experiences in my spiritual life and the realm of the subconscious, in what ways might I cultivate more curiosity and playfulness?

As you brainstorm and reflect, see what New Moon Intention rises up as the most meaningful focus for you. (Remember, don’t let yourself fall into the Geminian trap of becoming scattered by all the incredibly interesting options; don’t set yourself up for burn-out!)

Set your intention as the new lunar phase begins. And may the world be filled with more curiosity and wide-eyed wonder for us all!

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