Capricorn Full Moon Accomplishments, July 2023

Capricorn Full Moon, July 2023

One of the best things about Capricorn energy is this: once you’ve learned to harness that ethic of dedicated hard work—the “roll your sleeves up and get down to it,” the “head down” focused attention—and have followed through, in the end (usually it’s a long hard process) you are rewarded. You can, at appropriate times, stop and “come up for air,” assess your progress and… occasionally, when accomplishments are evident, give a victory shout: Hooray!

This is an appropriate time.

On this first Full Moon of Summer, we have “reached the summit” of the climb that started six months ago with the Capricorn New Moon. Picture the Capricornian sea-goat, diligently ascending that steep seaside mountain cliff, step by careful step. Ambitious and dedicated.

What mountain did you decide to climb, back on December 23, 2022?

What intention did you set at that time of the Capricorn New Moon?

(If you read my Blog from back then, where I described Capricorn energy and suggested some related questions for reflection, click HERE for a refresher!)

We’re bathed in Full Moon energy through Tuesday, July 4th (energies of the luminary are felt for 2.5 days leading up to 100% fullness and 2.5 days afterwards). If you haven’t already, any time up until Independence Day Fireworks here in the U.S. is potent and valuable to pause, recollect, and mindfully reflect:

What were the major themes in your life during that last week of December 2022?

What can you identify that has come to fruition or culmination at this time, in early July 2023?

Flip through the photos on your phone dating to that last week of December 2022. Scroll back through your social media posts, emails, texts. Look at December 23rd of last year in your calendar. If you’re a journal-writer, re-read about what was going on in your life at the time. If you are one who consistently sets New Moon Intentions each month, of course, this is the best time to revisit the one(s) you set at Capricorn New Moon.

What are you able to identify that was happening for you then, that may be coming to completion now, with the Full Moon back in the same Sign?

What sincere, dedicated endeavors can you honestly acknowledge having made in the last six months that have yielded visible results by now?

And then—even if you haven’t created a masterpiece, even if your legacy is not yet apparent—with those Fourth of July Fireworks, celebrate your efforts! Honor and appreciate your growth and evolution!

Whereafter… remembering that the Capricornian climb is never “over” or “done,” fortify yourself with the now empirical evidence that you CAN do it—whatever “it” is for you. And keep on keeping on.

Back to Soul Map Songs.
